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Everything posted by HI PSI

  1. I think that I have some here somewhere...... They aren't really instructions s such.... Pictures with text on them roughly showing the required steps... I have uploaded them all to Photobucket ----> RAPID FTTING INSTRUCTIONS... I hope that this help you....
  2. Could anyone please tell me the part numbers (For a BA Xr6 turbo)for the King Super low front springs and the matching rear springs to make it sit level please? Are they a SSL? I did a search and came up with hundreds of hit... After 30 minutes I gave up.. Any help would would be greatly appreciated.. Brad
  3. HI PSI

    Central Qld

    The last week has been a mixed one for me.. A guy was visiting across the road and reversed into my car.. So I have now decided to get the whole car painted and the bodykit fitted while it is in there. Now to decide which kit.. I have genuine BF GT front and rear bars with custom grilles to suit. .. I also have a near complete plastic DJR 320 kit.. All I need is the splitters... What do you guys think ??? The car is Silhouette... On a lighter note. I scrored a full Process West battery relocation kit (Including battery) and a 4' intake to match for $230 delivered...... I can't wait to fit it....
  4. HI PSI

    Site Problems

    Thank you very much. I shall do this when I return home tonight.... I will let you know how it goes... Thanks again
  5. HI PSI

    Site Problems

    I am and have always been using IE7 and Windows XP Professional. I changed ISP's 2 months ago. With no problem until 5 days ago. So the problem isn't there... I have been selecting the "forums" tab in the "New Content" section.. I must say that I am at a loss.... Any ideas?
  6. HI PSI

    Site Problems

    Both computers are regularly cycled. The problem still exists? Does anyone have any ideas on the problem?
  7. HI PSI

    Site Problems

    Hi all, I see to be having a few problems with the site. It always asks for me to log in every time even though I have selected the "Remember me" box. The "View new content" does not work either. It is always showing "No new content".It is doing on my work computer as well as here at home... Is anyone else experiencing similar problems???
  8. I purchased mine from the sale section of Ford Forums....
  9. TYeah I did call mate, it all sounds too hard.. the XR grille sits sort of over the bumper, where the FPV one sits behind. The XR one sitting behind would leave some holes exposed, and would not look great imo. I pretty much left it at that.. Thank you for the update..
  10. Hey guys.... I will empty my inbox.. I didn't know that it was full.. Sorry... I gave Bezerker the cutters details... I messaged him a few times to see how he went with it all... He was having some problems contacting him apparently... I grilles I gt cut are for the Fpv bars. I am not sure if the cutter has the XR grille designs. As I did not require them I never asked. I am more than willing to forward the details to anyone that requests them.... Sorry that I could not ad more.....
  11. This is how I did mine... Porting the housing.... I ported mine myself. It is relativey easy. It works fne and holds a perfectly stable bost. I would not advise doing it yourself if it is your every day driver. Being my first time. It took me around 3 hrs to port the housing as I was a touch overcautious and took a great deal of time theorising the flow characteristics of the flapper.. I was both lucky and appreciative that a forum member (Ratter (thanks again bud) gave me a few tips... I was also luck enough to purchase a spare housing and do this at my leasure.. I fitted the housing, apid V3 kit, Injectors, exhaust all at the same time... On and off, it took me 1 1/2 days... The port itsef has to be ovaled as the floor and roof of the housing are the limtations... I was told to port the houing as if it was a valve job in cylinder head... I was very careful when taking out th closest wall as I feel that if left too tin, it could be prone to hotspots and therefore promote cracking. You must also be carefule not to remove too much material from the stud area.. The back lip must have substantial material removed to createa rounded edge. I assumed that a hard square edge would create turulence around the flapper which could possibly cause the flapper to inadvertantly open slightly.. I had my seating surface milled to remove the raised factory seaing. This provided us with a larger, flatter seating area for the enlarged flapper. Interference material around the flapper shaft was alo removed at this time as the flapper would no sit central on the port and was cathing on the flapper...A local machining shop performed these tasks for $80.... All of this is a breeze... Wait till you pull the turbo off and put it back on again..... That is another story all in itself.... I hope that this helps....
  12. This is how I did mine... Porting the housing.... I hope that this helps.....
  13. This is a very interesting modification for those who have a turbo failure and are not wanting to spend copious amounts of money purchasing a new manifold, dumps etc.. Could you please give us an indication of the costs and modifications required? Oil drains, dump etc? Where did you source the parts?
  14. [quote name='straughsberry' date='17 August 2010 - 11:19 PM' timestamp='1282047565' post='1033293'] I've still got 1 set of Argo rods and Mahle Powerpak pistons going real cheap if anybody needs them. Cheers. [/quote] I'll contact yu in a few weeks Steph.. Thank you..
  15. Hmmm.... Plenum.... 6boost high mount manifld... A Gt4202..... Sets or rods.. Pistons... Oh! And he expansion tank.....
  16. Thank you GR8XR8 for your effort with this group buy... It took a bit longer thatn I thought but.. I purchased my two cats a few days ago.... Currently in transit.... Big thanks to you and Chris for passing on such great savings to us forum members..... It is truey appreciated..
  17. Are these the protectors that are Speed camera friendly?
  18. Wow... Nice dude.... What was the reason for the new dyno runs?? Same boost?
  19. Thank you to all that have posted replies.. I will endevour to make a few calls to the distributors tomorrow. Thanks again .
  20. Thank you fo your posts.. Could you please tell me what extra tables the SCT software has and hwat the do (Benefits)? Unfortunate he has only tuned Holdens... I gues that it will be a learning curve for both ofus then...
  21. I am looking to purchase my own software (Either vcm Suite or Sct Race pro)for tuning my car. I have read all that I could find on both packages and I am still undecided s to which is the best for tuning compared to value for money. As I understand it Sct software has more tables than the Vcm suite. Are these extra tables beneficial to the tuning of the XR6 Turbo's? I have a friend who is very knowledgeable in VCM Suite. He is going to help me get started and has expressed interest in going 50/50 in purchasing Advantage III software.. Can someone tell the the pro's and cons of each. Which is the better software? Brad
  22. I have the coin sitting here... I'm going to get a cheap 4' mild steel one. I just need the time to order it... I am thinking of buying my own tuning software (Sct Race pro).. I have another person that is inerested also. So I may end up going shares in the Advantage III software instead....
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