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Everything posted by HI PSI

  1. HI PSI

    My Build

    More goodies, with the complimentary resources are in transit.... If you're going to do something, you may as well do it right. :D
  2. HI PSI

    My Build

    Arrived home today, to find these have arrived........ Haltech Elite 2500 Haltech IQ3 Dash Haltech Long Harness for Elite 2500 Haltech Wideband 02 Haltech Flex Fuel Sensor and -6 adapters Haltech CAN Hub and extra cable. Turbosmart 4 Port Boost Controller. I had a 5 AEM sensors left over, from when I was going to run the ITB setup on my Cleveland. So, I'm gonna give them a go....
  3. Does anyone have a picture of the top of the FG ICC with the top cover removed? Also, Is thre any differences between the series 1 and 2 covers?
  4. I will look into their designs. :-)
  5. Two or three gauges? B or F series?
  6. I have a B series car, so I will be making a lot of parts for my own vehicle. I have a genuine XR8 bonnet, FPV bars, inserts, under trays, bezels. I also have genuine DJR 320 pods, skirts and diffusers... So, there is a better than average chance.....
  7. I guess that it depends on what style you would like. Do you want a Pole Position/SS Induction style, with individual cups? Or a hooded type arrangement?
  8. Would you happen to have a picture of the part that you are referring to?
  9. I like the idea of door trims, I might make myself a set to suit two 6.5 woofer, or a 3 way system...
  10. Radiator closure panel would be easy. I saw another thread somewhere where they requested that the tongues be extended. Would you want the same modification? Battery side air box would be relatively easy also. I will however need some pics of a another aftermarket setup, so that I can see what other components are in the area. The only problem that I can foresee, would be sourcing a silicon hose like the Process West unit. ... Not impossible, and may be on the cards.... 4' inatke tubes.... I was looking into these myself, for my own car. My mate (Supplier) told me that the carbon sock is ridiculously priced. For this reason, I think it will not be practical.
  11. What size fitting are you thinking of using?
  12. Tail shaft is a bit out of my capability, as it is a totally different process and requires specialised machinery. Guards, bonnets, skirts, spoilers etc. can be done relatively easily and is on my ajenda. I will also look further into lip spoilers as I get time....
  13. The facia panel would be relatively easy to make. Cutting the slots for the button on a high series would be the challenge... I'm game to give it a go.... Console ?? Interesting!!! I will source one from a wrecker and assess the complexity. Door inserts? Are you referring to the spears? Or the sections in the handles?
  14. I will be making the parts myself. I will be using resin infusion, but I have access to whatever you want or need. :-)
  15. Noted. These would be pretty easy.
  16. Some good ideas there... Any particular model? FPV? XR6 ??
  17. I'm considering making carbon fibre parts and I would like to get feedback on what parts you would like to see. All parts will be vacuum formed with quality being the highest priority. At this point in time I will be using a 204 gram 2x2 weave cloth. Fire away.....
  18. Daryn is extremely disenchanted with the ordeal. He's owned the car for two years and only managed around 70km. For this reason he has put it on the back burner. I believe that the motor will be pulled and stripped down. When th8s will occur, is anyone's guess.
  19. HI PSI

    My Build

    A mate that had previously gone down the Motec path, advised me to go with AEM sensors. They are very well priced and come with all the scaling information. I went with the: HT059976 WBC1 - Single Channel CAN O2 Wideband Controller Kit. Btw, Haltech has a special running this month, where you get a free CAN module with the dash. Displayed, is a water temp sensor.
  20. HI PSI

    My Build

    The gentleman that I spoke to about cam control, has an elite in his personal car. So, I should be ok there.. To be honest, I didn't even look at the Motec at all. I haven't heard of one being use in a Falcon and as I have already blown the budget way out, I cannot afford to be to be the pioneer. Yes, I puchased the IQ3 display dash, Wideband, Flex fuel, boost solenoid and all the associated sensors. I'm still looking into EGT's and I would really appreciate advice on the subject.. As the EGT's will be pre-turbo, I am worried about the failures damaging the turbo. I'm starting to research EGT's that are used in extreme conditions. Like these... http://www.exhaustgas.com/ProductDetail.asp?ProductID=1124&DepartmentID=&CategoryID=&RepID=&BasketID=
  21. HI PSI

    My Build

    I couldn't help but laugh.. You are a clever bugger... Yes, I am changing the engine management system. I took the time to watch many of Haltech's YouTube videos. You can do some VERY cool stuff with it.. Given this, I have opted for a Haltech Elite, as I like its functionality and room for expansion. The EMS and a trolley load of accessories is now in transit... After having a few in depth discussions with a tuner (down south), I think that there is a lot to be gained by having full control of cam timing. There are also obvious gains with EGT's on each cylinder and being able to trim each cylinder to achieve perfect AFR's. I need to do a bit of research of the life expectancy of EGT probes, when installed on a permanent basis.As I am a little concerned of tips failing and going through the turbo.. .
  22. HI PSI

    My Build

    Just kidding Luke... I will have more control, over everything.. Btw, The engine mounts arrived. Thanks heaps !!!!!
  23. HI PSI

    My Build

    I will be 5k poorer than before.....
  24. HI PSI

    My Build

    A little bit of a change in direction, has cost me another 5k. I will update, when the bits arrive..
  25. Sorry, I just saw your post. I have HP Tuner and I'm starting to learn how to use it. Ì have now changed direction, and I'm going to a Haltech Elite.
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