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Everything posted by HI PSI

  1. Yes, there are two other bellhousings available, But, both require an expensive custom converter. If successful, mine will use a cheaper, more common Chev converter. I will also have a far superior billet flywheel. Atomic - chrome moly flex plate $695 Dellow - Falcom to th350/400 $750 Custom converter - $1,700+ You can't blame me for giving it a shot, can you... :D
  2. They should be good for any power level and usage. Durability, reliability and cost are the main drivers... ;-)
  3. Over the coming days, we are investigating another way to fit a TH400's to a Barra. This will involve modifications to a BTR bellhousing. Consideration has also been given to devloping a new billet flex plate, to handle big power.. These modifications will allow use to use a Chev style converter, which will be far easier and cheaper to source. We are hoping to have one in a test mule in the next few weeks. I will keep you all posted on our progress.... .
  4. Over the coming days, we are investigating another way to fit a TH400's to a Barra. This will involve modifications to a BTR bellhousing. Consideration has also been given to devloping a new billet flex plate, to handle big power.. These modifications will allow use to use a Chev style converter, which will be far easier and cheaper to source. We are hoping to have one in a test mule in the next few weeks. I will keep you all posted on our progress.... .
  5. HI PSI

    My Build

    All the leads have been terminated and connected to the coils. It was a bit of a pain, but with some persistence, I got through it. I left a little bit of lead, so that the cover can be unbolted and placed to the side when changing plugs. Here are some pics of the leads and spacers... I found that the fitting on the pressure side opf the power steering pump was weeping, so I removed it and replaced the o'ring. I also fitted a copper compression washer, to make sure that it wouldn't happen again. I had to remove all of the intake to get to it, which was a mission itself. but, I'm glad that I got onto it before it made a mess. The shop will be closed for a few days, so I have decided to finish installing the new leather covers over the weekend and finish making the mould for the IQ3 dash.
  6. HI PSI

    My Build

    That is correct. The spark can jump.
  7. HI PSI

    My Build

    Finally, Photobucket worked.....
  8. HI PSI

    My Build

    I considered that also and I cut a sample piece to try. I quickly realised that it would have been a royal pain when changing plugs or leads. Besides that, it looked pretty ordinary. I quite like the look also, I had intended them to look like a spine. But, it wasn't meant to be. It seems that you know me all too well Luke. Look what I made today... Billet lead separators.... LOL ! I made two of these , so that the longest sets are stabilised and it works well. My engine guy is a bit worried about spark jump, with the way that I have run the leads. He was also concerned with using aluminium spacers for the same reason. I would be very interested in feedback from others that may have had bad experiences with running leads in this configuration... Bugger !!! Photobucket keeps stalling when has uploaded around 90%. I'll post a pic later.....
  9. HI PSI

    My Build

    I have finished machining the material from the under side of the Nizpro cover and fitted the grommets. The leads are a nice firm fit and I am confident that water will not get into the spark plug tubes when cleaning the engine bay. I had to heat and bend the MSD spark plug tubes, as the plugs are at a slight angle and was offset to the grommets. It was a royal pain in the arse, getting them to bend and required a lot of heat. I cut the hole in the firewall and installed the grommet for the ignition lead to run through. After which, I ran the leads through the garnish and ran them through the firewall and unfortunately, all did not go as planned. The grommet in the firewall has to bend to fit into the firewall, and as a result, I didn't have enough height to stack the leads in single file, like I wanted. No matter what I tried. it ended up looking very congested and untidy. Not happy !!!! This is what it looked like..... After a bit dicking around, I managed to get it to look reasonably neat. But, I need to find something to replace the zip ties and that won't look like poo.. Oh well, just another challenge..... I have also noticed another problem.. The lead set that I purchased was designed for a V8 and already had the plug ends attached. As a result, I can only run the leads with the writing facing the drivers side of the car, as having it facing the passengers side, would have the writing up side down... So I going to have purchase some new terminals and chnge some leads out, as it looks silly without it....GRRRRRR. FML.... Here is the alternate configuration of the leads.. Let me know what you think....
  10. HI PSI

    My Build

    I started to modify the Nizpro garnish, so that I could fit the grommets for the ignition leads. The numbers written on the cover reflects the material thickness at each hole. As you can see, the covers are very thick in this area and require a lot of material to be removed, despite having already milled the top....
  11. HI PSI

    My Build

    Well, the harness is finished and will be installed tomorrow. Yay!!! It took me some time to work out where we were going to mount everything, but I think that the passenger side footwell is the best position. A bonus, is that the Haltech harness grommet replaces the oval grommet blank in the firewall, which is is right next to where the EMS and CDI are going to be mounted. I ended up fabricating a box to house the electronics, so that they would be protected. This is what I came up with.... As the chassis is located under the carpet, I was a bit worried about heat, so I installed an aold barrel fan that I had left over from an audio install...
  12. I think that you have a problem. The boost gauge only goes to 30 psi.......
  13. HI PSI

    My Build

    I just spoke to Scott and he said that the type of heat shrink that he uses (Glue type shrink) is really hard to maneuver once it is shrunk down and it would be a pain to work with if went all of the way to the plug. The plugs are waterproof and he wanted to keep form flexability with the connectors. I knew that there would be a method to his madness.
  14. HI PSI

    My Build

    The hood for the IQ3 dash is complete and I am very happy with it, So, there are no excuses now, for not making the plug. I will try to get the plug finished by the end of the week and the part the carbon part the following week. So many things to do and not enough time.....
  15. HI PSI

    My Build

    To tell you the truth, I don't know why he has done it like that. He's a pretty OCD kinda guy too, so I expect that he may have done it for a reason. We didn't get to work on the car today, as the shop was closed. I will ask him about it tomorrow.
  16. HI PSI

    My Build

    We got some more stuff done on the car today. I dummy fitted the Nizpro garnish and marked out the position of the spark plugs, so that we can drill the holes for the coil leads. When I tensioned the bolts, I stripped a thread in the rocker cover. To avoid reoccurence, I drilled all of them out and installed helicoils. I drilled the holes for the ignition leads and found that the cover is too thick and the grommits won't fit. So, I will remove some material and post some pics tomorrow...... We got more of the wiring completed today, Here are a few pics of the my mate Scotty's work. He's doing an awesome job... The ignition leads, terminals and caps arrived today, I went to install the spark plug tubes, only to find that they wouldn't fit down the hole, so I had to modify them a little.. As you can see the picture below, the diameter was reduced...
  17. HI PSI

    My Build

    I've been pretty slack with working in the car, as I have been spending time with my daughter. That combined with having my wiring guy only working on the car a few days of his R&R, has led to little progress.. As mentioned in another thread, I have installed the coils in the plenum under the windscreen. It was one of those jobs that you soon regret taking on. But, I got there in the end. New leads and plugs have been ordered and should arrive tomorrow, so I'll be dummy fitting the garnish and drilling it to accomodate them. I spent almost two hours walking around a wrecker, trying to find a rubber grommet that will work with the setup. Just another one of those things that take away from the build.... No wonder it has taken me so long to get this far.... I removed them a few times, to make minor adjustments and ended up cracking the screen. I'm not really stressed about it, as it needed a new one anyway.. I have finished the dash mount and it will be getting painted tomorrow. This will allow the mould to release a lot easier ans make for a nicer finish when I make the carbon part. It was a sh*tload of work, as I covered it in gel coat and sanded the whole thing, a few times. It probably wasn't really necessary and I think that I just created extra work for myself for little gain. Lesson learnt there.. Old mate will be back on Tuesday to recommence the wiring of the Haltech. He is doing an amazing job and the quality of his work is second to none. With this in mind, I really don't want to rush him and end up with an inferior product.. I will post up a few pics of this harnessing tomorrow.... I have relocated the Turbosmart boost solenoid and rerouted a few hoses as well. It all looks very nice. the 5 bar MAP sensor has arrived, so I should have all of that covered tomorrow. I have started to fit the new 50th anniversary covers to the seats. I had to a FG XR6 rear bottom seat, as the seams for the velcro strips are in different places. It is a time consuming process, to get it all sitting nicely. but. it is well worth the extra effort. I also have to make some small modifications to the shaping of the head rests on the rear seats, as the covers a little larger in that area. So I am gluing and shaping foam to fix this issue...
  18. I drilled my cover and machined the two -12 weld ons, so that it recessed as far as possible. As mine were not in the standard location, I could tig them form the inside of the cover, making it neater... I went this way, as putting the on top look untidy and that the fittings would rob on my new bonnet trim.... Just remember that the rocker cover garnish has to be installed first, and that you have to be able to get a spanner on the fittings.... So, depending on what garnish you use, you may need to make some pedestals to raise them up a little...
  19. <---- Rather embarrassed right now... Lol
  20. I fitted six CDI coils into the plenum today (Under black covers where the windscreen wipers are... What a f*ck of a job that was....
  21. Change to an Independent Motorsport dual bush diff hat. This will eliminate the diff bush problem. Change the direction of the L/H upper control arm bolt, as it sits next to the tank and cannot be removed unless the cradle is dropped. Btw, you may need to trim a little length off the bolt...
  22. Good to see some progress with the car. Congrats mate !!
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