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  1. Hey man. If your car is modified you have to re-gap the spark plugs. That's what I ended up doing and it fixed my problem instantly. Other then that I'm not sure what the problem could be
  2. Hey guys, thanks for all your help! Ended up re-gapping the spark plugs from 1.1 to 0.7 and it's running boost properly now ! Thanks again to everybody for helping out
  3. If I take my foot off and floor it, that's when it makes that brrr sound. Still does it in a higher gear. It happens once the RPM gets higher, so right when boost wants to kick in. if I accelerate softly it can get up 5000-6000 rpm without doing that. Its when I floor it for boost to kick in, when it makes that sound and the car doesn't wanna go
  4. Hey man the first thing I changed was the fuel filter. Thanks anyway
  5. Nah man the coil packs aren't genuine. But with faulty coil packs, the car starts to misfire, in this case it's a whole different feeling. So I've eliminated those. And yeah the engine has been modified by the previous owner. I'll have to check the plugs and gap them properly cause the gap looks a bit big. Thanks again. If that works I'll update you!
  6. It happens always on command. Every single time boost wants to kick in. Yeah Maybe a ford tuner can help. Thanks! I'll check for any leaks today and see how I go. Thanks!
  7. Hi I've recently purchased a 2004 BA xr6 turbo. The problem is, once the cars under load it makes a 'brrrr' sound and the car doesn't wanna go. Happens right before boost wants to kick in. If I accelerate gently it will climb up to 5000-6000 Rpm with no problem. The second I accelerate harder and boost wants to activate, it makes that sound and the car doesn't wanna go (big loss of power). I've taken it to a few mechanics and they've run tests and still have no idea what the problem could be. I've changed coil packs/spark plugs. They don't seem to be the problem. No one seems to know what it is. It's very strange. If someone could help out I'd really appreciate it. Thanks
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