Andrew, I have a BF Turbo with the ZF 6 Speed Box driven daily in city traffic with 9000km on the clock, no brake shudder so far, previous Falcon auto's I've owned and driven in the same area had constant shudder issues within 5000km of machining or replacing rotors including my EF and my AU Series 3 XR6. The BF Turbo has the larger Territory brakes front and rear, they're huge take a look at one next time one pulls up beside you. The ZF box is superb, you'll be impressed no matter what mode you chose to drive in. A clever box. After 9000kms it still makes me smile. It does what you feel it should be doing without touching the stick. As the other guys have said the build quality could be better. My rear door mould had very little paint on it, over the top section you could see the black colour underneath the bionic colour. My triangular A/C vent wasn't fitting properly, my steering box had the clicking, ticking sound (just loose) all fixed under warranty. I paid the extra grand or so and opted for the 6 year warranty as well. All in all after sorting out a few teething problems to be expected with a new car I am one very happy XR6T owner. Every time I drive another car and jump back into mine it feels so bloody good in so many ways, you've only got to drive something else to remind you how good these cars are.