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About YPURV4

  • Birthday 31/03/1984

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  1. Happy Birthday YPURV4!

  2. Happy Birthday YPURV4!

  3. Happy Birthday YPURV4!

  4. Happy Birthday YPURV4!

  5. Totally agree what a bunch fo drop kick losers... they all need to go get a life, just for having a nice looking car we are already labled "hoons" now we are also labled "scum bags" because a small percent of dead beats thinks its tough? funny? to trash joints and act like a hero.. Ill start a facebook group " lets find a kick the sh*t out of all the dead beats who trashed bob jane".. Our night scene for crusing is now FCKED... good luck having a modded car around that area for a few months...
  6. Ill be there if the car hasnt sold..
  7. lol all good PAZZ And dillz na still selling it, just held off untile the new year got a guy coming to look at it next week.
  8. Yeah dosnt bother me 72 I know they all know me.. I know most of them now to, and they are actually getting nicer. Or im getting older and not being a smart ass anymore.. Just was odd that he knew I hadnt been on the forum for awhile. Funny thing aswell he go's to me so where you living these days havent seen you around your mum place in years.. WTF lol (as I did move out to carrum 2 years ago)
  9. hey guys just a heads up today I got pulled over by the local TMU boys from moorabbin.. anyway got chatting and this is what he said to me. "so you decided to come back on the forums again hey.." I have made like 1 post in like 3 months or more and it was in the vic spotted thread.. so these guys are reading this forum boys so I would watch what you say.. he even asked how the new motor was. I was just like WTF.. so yeah watch what you say boys as there on here.. And if you read this mr police man thanks for not giving me a defect today
  10. That's how I roll fast cars and expensive ladies.. Actually work around the corner... sh*t been awhile since the purv was seen.
  11. buy my car 26- 30g's :)

  12. Ill say 30k including plates.
  13. yeah nothing wrong with the car its a beast, but im over the bloody thing so im selling it, I never drive the thing anymore anyway so it would be better off in some one else's hands.
  14. ill be down for the next cruz, give the purv its last run.
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