Guys and Gals Just thought I would bring this to your attention....not sure if it goes here? EBay Classified(what I think is a scam) Mate told me he saw this XB GT few weeks back for 50k on carsales....which isnt too far off the mark if genuine. I have contacted the guy selling and he advised me he is heading out to Afganistan on June 30 and wants it sold. He also advised me the car even though advertised in Vic it is actually in a transport holding yard in Perth ready to ship to me. He said I can have the car for 5 days in my driveway for inspection and if I didn't want it he would remove it at his expense. All of this will happen as soon as I fill in the EBay paperwork which would hold the transaction money in the "EBay Account" until I give the go ahead that I want the car. I contacted EBay and they said this doesnt happen, they have nothing to do with classified ads and holding money...............just thought I would let you know there are scumbags out there that all need to be shot.