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  • Birthday 01/02/1972

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Hunter Valley
  • Interests
    Lawn Bowls
  • Member Title
    Team Grandpa

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  1. Guys and Gals Just thought I would bring this to your attention....not sure if it goes here? EBay Classified(what I think is a scam) http://www.ebay.com....984.m1423.l2649 Mate told me he saw this XB GT few weeks back for 50k on carsales....which isnt too far off the mark if genuine. I have contacted the guy selling and he advised me he is heading out to Afganistan on June 30 and wants it sold. He also advised me the car even though advertised in Vic it is actually in a transport holding yard in Perth ready to ship to me. He said I can have the car for 5 days in my driveway for inspection and if I didn't want it he would remove it at his expense. All of this will happen as soon as I fill in the EBay paperwork which would hold the transaction money in the "EBay Account" until I give the go ahead that I want the car. I contacted EBay and they said this doesnt happen, they have nothing to do with classified ads and holding money...............just thought I would let you know there are scumbags out there that all need to be shot.
  2. Get Sensation Blue and Black...................everyone will say the colour they have is the best mate Good luck deciding
  3. Happy Birthday SHOCK!

  4. Great times....post your timeslip mate or it didnt happen
  5. 600HP for 26k......bargin http://www.carsales.com.au/all-cars/private/details.aspx?R=11189415&YearFromShort=1649&__Qpb=1&Cr=9&__Ns=pCar_PriceSort_Decimal|0||pCar_RankSort_Int32|1||pCar_Make_String|0||pCar_Model_String|0&keywords=&YearToShort=1682&__N=1216 1282 1621 1649 1682 4294966463 898 4294966285 4294922209 1246 1247 4294794458&SearchAction=N&silo=1003&seot=1&__Nne=15&trecs=10&__sid=132E8EE6EBB0
  6. Least you will get one pass before you are banned without the cage. Good luck and do it for the bowls champion in all of us
  7. SHOCK

    Age Of G6Et Owners

    I'll be 39 for a few years yet
  8. Agree Scotty...but please lay off the roids
  9. is missing his G6ET

  10. If you are hitting gutters in a G6ET than you need driving lessons....have owned both and would think that the G6ET is by far easier to handle......just get her a Expensive Daewoo to be real safe from speed wobbles
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