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About Medow

  • Birthday 13/01/1987

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  • Location
    Rockvegas, QLD
  • Interests
    Cars, Women, Parties and <br />Sport
  1. Happy Birthday Medow!

  2. Happy Birthday Medow!

  3. Happy Birthday Medow!

  4. Happy Birthday Medow!

  5. Happy Birthday Medow!

  6. Jagerbombs don't give you wings but they sure do make fat chicks look better . Just sounds like another consumer trying to blame someone else for their own stupidity.
  7. Looks awesome, should of came that way from the factory
  8. Thanks for your reply mate, does the warehouse have a website? Does anybody know any other online distributors or QLD operators?
  9. Hey Guys, Did a search on google and came up with nothing and would like to know where some of the members of this forum have got their Gmax rims through. Thanks
  10. I just turned 20 and have had my T since I was 19 and havent been pulled over once not even for a RBT but I have left the car stock looking. Like other's have already said the T hasn't got the reputation (yet) of other cars like skylines, vls, and wrx's mainly due to the lack of bogan and fully sick drivers, so yeah in my case can't bash the cops for "picking" on me.
  11. PDIDDY that's a good looking result for just a tune and ss kit, next time you see them tell them they got a typo on their dyno printouts "The professional "mechancis" you can rely on"
  12. Medow

    Workshop Manual

    When its online maybe the mod's could make it a sticky in the tech section could be very helpful for newbies like me
  13. 19 years old with RACQ pay $1860 would of been cheaper but I pay by the month.
  14. If you can't beat em join them, caltex made something like 140 million dollars last quarter and there share price went up almost 5 dollars in value in two months basically 20%. Why not buy some of their shares, sell when your happy with the increase in value and have free fuel off the profits. The price of fuel will never go down again and is only going to get worse unless manufactures start bringing out performance cars that run on an alternative safely with no power loss. For the meantime all petrol stations will bend us over at the bowser there's nothing really you can do, may as well try and get some back. Just my 2 cents as an alternative from a different angle.
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