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About Harpoon

  • Birthday 01/01/1960

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  1. Happy Birthday Harpoon!

  2. Happy Birthday Harpoon!

  3. Happy Birthday Harpoon!

  4. Happy Birthday Harpoon!

  5. Happy Birthday Harpoon!

  6. Thanks All. I am mainly (95%) do country driving (Camden to Canberra) so these are interesting results. I am gettung about 10L/100KM on my XR5 so there will not be a huge difference when I change to an XR6 late this year ! Harpoon
  7. In order of questions ? Yes, not briefly but for a long time ! Which ones do Ford make ? Harpoon
  8. Harpoon

    Fg Xr6T Mk2

    Hi. Thanks for this.. Did not know they were looking at facelift of FG. Looking to swap out my XR5 early next year for either a new one or an XR6 Turbo. So I will wait. Harpoon
  9. Hi If anyone would be able to advise there experiences, please ! I am looking at buying either a second hand 2007/2008 BF Mk II XT 2008 FG XT As a family spare car and mainly for my son to drive to and from uni. Why such a large car you ask ? We live in the southwest of Sydney and my son goes to Wollongong Uni and we are all land of the giants, he is (as his brother 6' (4" 5") (195/196 cm) Also BF Mk II are really cheap and I can pick up one under 20K with very few k on clock. Ditto with the 2008 FG. I would welcome any advice and experericnes on the 2008 FG XT and the BF Mk II to assist in making my choice. Thanks in advance. Harpoon
  10. Hi Currently driving XR5 from Sydney to Canberra twice a week. I think my stint in Canberra will extend fro a while (2-4 years) Methinks that I will trade in my 2007 XR5 (Non Cruise control) next year for the FG XR6 Turbo. The 5 is nice and I love it but nothing is like a bigger (rear wheel drive) car on the road. Harpoon.
  11. Hi Thanks for the reply.. I f I may reply. Ford have an EGas Model with the XT. Aka the web page. The ford web site does not have the specs so I do not know what the gas fuel delivery system is in use. However one would think with the evolution of gas and fuel systems over the past decade it would be a dedicated fuel injection system. I stand to be corected if the specs prove to be against my assertion. Why would the cost be putting people off ?? They already have a gas model ford developed and using a gas system. Aka selling an XT Egas model. Ford Taxis have been using gas now for years. The gas cylinder or storage tank would replace the fuel tank so any space lost in gas would be claimed back by removal of petrol tank. Do not understand the comment about the ZF 6 speed. Surely it is a matter of tuning and modifying the motor ECU and the valve body timings on the ZF auto ?? Hmm.. Dynamic stability control.. That one I do not understand must be because of the placement of the gas tank on the Egas XT inhibits the suspension system. I suggest that the issues mentioned are minor and in a major production run would be not a huge financial impost in the production of a Gas Turbo Ford. Just my thoughts. Harpoon
  12. Hi Just a general question that someone with appropriate automotive engineering expertise or someone who has insight into Ford marketing and how that drives engineering. With the price of petrol going to towards the heavens, why has FORD NOT released a Gas Turbo XR6 ? It would make intuitive sense to me. As a basic set of thoughts. Petrol has to be vaporised when injected into the cylinders before combustion, gas is already a vapor so it does not have to be vaporised. It would make intuitive sense that there would be a saving in machinery required to vaporise gas. I appreciate there would be less kilojoules in gas so more would have to be pumped in to the cylinder to give teh same bag as petrol, therefore a turbo would assist in this space. Anyone know why Ford has not made a turbo Xr6 Gas ??? Harpoon
  13. Harpoon

    Which Colour?

    Hi Well I think "DejaVu" or "Seduce" is real nice on an XR6T. Harpoon !
  14. No.... The they replace it with a NSW Government EFTPOS machine ! Harpoon
  15. Such a gracious erudie, witty, thoughtful and gormless retort ! I, sir made no such gibe at anyone person. In life, I have found that anyone that cannot argue the point resorts to churlish personal attacks. What a pleasure it is to know you sir ! Such a charmer. I waste no more time on even talking to you. Harpoon
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