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16 Good


  • Birthday July 20

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  1. Happy Birthday XXRLNT!

  2. Happy Birthday XXRLNT!

  3. Happy Birthday XXRLNT!

  4. is it manually and is it from vic???
  5. http://www.awcinfo.com//secureshop/category.php?cat_id=408
  6. f*ck mines doing the same thing :( have you fixed it yet?? what was the problem ?
  7. I am not sure if he even put in a kaaz that's what he said he put in I dont belive one thing this guy says I have heard that kaaz is pretty expensive anyway so dont think he put one in
  8. I have never had a spool but been in a car that has had one it wasn't that bad the kazz is f**ked I haven't done a u turn because I haven't been driving the car even my mechanic said if I keep driving it its going to break the drive shaft that's how bad it is. just turning the car is bad :( but the thing is I didn't ask for a kazz I asked true trac still don't under stand y the f**K he put one in :f*ckyou:
  9. man don't recommend dandydifferentials to anyone else lol. I dropped my car off last week to get a true trac fitted the *beep* put a kazz diff locker in the car it is making a loud knocking noise when I turn sounds like a mini spool :( trying to get my money back now but I don't think it will happen he is not picking up my phone calls. I have been back to the shop a few times but he is all ways drunk. the car is at addicted performance now so should have the car back this week with a true trac
  10. Happy Birthday purplehaze!!

  11. Happy Birthday hobble!

  12. Happy Birthday Scubzz!

  13. Happy Birthday XXRLNT!

  14. when you taking me for a spine??? after seeing the dyno graph now I want to go for a spine lol
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