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Everything posted by tazzanz

  1. My friend has his FG XR6T tuned at CTB, Made 270rwkw on their dyno then 310rwkw on a hub dyno so might sound lower than it actually is. Maybe you could try torque performance? I found Sam at CTB too busy to chat when I discussed having my car tuned there so decided against them.
  2. Not as many lawyers high up in NZ politics one or two that spring to mind.
  3. Well how about working ANY other job before entering parliament. John Key was a good example successful in business, average - normal child hood. Donated his salary to chairty. The dollar was very strong with national in (I would know with the amount of car parts I bring in from AUS & the States 😂)
  4. She's never worked in other field apart from left bs politics. I just cant believe you can enter politics and become Prime minister eventually without any idea how the world works IMO, They only got in as them plus another 2 party's made a coalition. National had majority of the vote...
  5. Buy backs happening here same as aus after tasmania, estimated 500-700million. Its ok though Jacinda has a secret endless pocket.
  6. Did you poor bastards have to listen to that too
  7. I have seen a bunch of Aussies commenting how she is the best thing ever. THEY HAVE NO IDEA. The hillary clinton snowflakes absolutely love her too.
  8. I spent 4 hours reading his manifesto yesterday, im probably on some list now.
  9. He wont try mental health, he has all the details covered in his 74 page manifesto. A truly remarkable read. Any question you might have he has covered it.
  10. just heard 40 people dead not sure if true primeminsiter just said 40 dead
  11. Holy sh*t what a day. Im actually in CHCH today. crazy as. algood though!
  12. I tried drifting my territory the other day in the wet kicked out algood but then this light started flashing even though Traction control was off. Guess I need to pull a DSC fuse?
  13. Nothing exciting boring supporting parts, Complete timing kit, HD Sprocket + Atomic windage tray.
  14. Junk, Why bother I cant speak for Aus but in NZ you can pick up a supercharged stang for alot less than that all with factory warranty etc. They are asking euro money for a american donk.
  15. Look at this idiot in NZ selling this BA n/a XR6 asking 20K LOL. First sentence of the auction "THIS SOUNDS INSANE...$$$ SPENT TO GET SOUNDING GOOD SOUNDS LIKE A JETLINER ON STEROIDS" Apparently putting a maori spec big bore tip will have your n/a nugget sounding like a jet, good to know. Look at all the badges on the back too 🤢🤢 https://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=1970776018
  16. It was a mustang involved in the serious crash where the driver was hurt, not the blue supra. Some sort of brake troubles apparently.
  17. Farkin roland dane biggest gronk. Its obvious they are struggling with the new single spring. There own customer cars were quicker...
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