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  1. yeah I guess I will have to take it to ford. no good I think I have fried the pcm. from putting a screw driver across the starter.
  2. I put it back to all the original bem and icc now. what's a pats relearn
  3. yeah I'm pretty sure it is. how do I fix that?
  4. I'll let you know how I go. thanks
  5. yeah I hope I find out so I can get my motor built. I tried putting my icc bem and ignition from my other wagon in it. it cranked over but wouldn't start. I dunno whether that helps?
  6. yeah that was me. was a bad earth. now this code sh*t is happening and I can't figure it out. everything was fine before I put a screw driver over the starter. the only issue was every now and again it wouldn't start it would just click. so I would push start and and wouldn't have a drama for a week or so
  7. so I have a boss 260 in a ba wagon. it would start and the relay was just clicking. I tried jump starting it. no good. so I put a screw driver across the starter motor and it just turned over and didn't start. now it is showing up code on the icc. any ideas?
  8. The gearbox mount has to be dropped all the way so the motor is tilted back. As soon as you raise it more then 50 mm it won't start just clicks Yeah the motor and box were out of the same car. It was running fine then I came out to finish it one morning and I t won't start
  9. Okay today's new solutions. I have been able to put jumper leads on the starter. And jack it up and it started. So now my issue is finding out why it won't start on its own when it's jacked up. I have power running from the positive to the starter. So it has to be a grounds issue right? Any ideas?
  10. When I won't start after I jack the gearbox up there is a click from the relay box under the bonnet and that's it. No crank no nothing
  11. Okay so I got the car started. I dropped the gearbox mounts to get to the gearbox and it started. But once I put it back up it didn't. Anyone know anything that would cause this ?
  12. No good. I put a sceew driver across it and it engauges
  13. I have a ba wagon with a boss 260 in it. I started it yesterday. It ran fine. Then tonight I went to start it. It just clicked. I thought it might be the battery. So I had the missus car to jump start it and still nothing. It just clicks from the relay box near the battery. Changed everything and all the fuses are fine. Any ideas?
  14. Nah the engine. They are two different sizes. I assume the bigger one is the feed
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