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barry vince

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  1. hi guys thank for the help I have just noticed on the way to work when you push the throttle down lightly it seems to have dead pictures sometimes it idles on 1000kpm and other times 1.5 to 2000rpm going back to the first comment could it be the throttle body just needs cleaning just wondering if it could be sticking
  2. it was serviced about 500ks ago and I got new coils & plugs I do mix the service station up it makes the same sound win the road is wet and the traction control comes in
  3. I am running 95 and 98 feels like it is starving for petrol would a injector cleaner work all could it be the fuel pump sticking and not pumping the right amount of fuel it seems to be idling a little bit high too
  4. the car is a mark 1 stock standard could it be the fuel pump
  5. barry vince


    why does my xr6 turbo start playing up if you stab the throttle but ok if you roll it on slowly
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