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About ducatijb

  • Birthday 24/11/1958

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  • Interests
    driving my GT>riding my Ducati's,aprilia,all forms of motor racing

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  1. Hey JB,


    You still alive, what's happening? You still playing with Fords?


    Cheers Ross

  2. Happy Birthday ducatijb!

  3. Happy Birthday ducatijb!

  4. Happy Birthday ducatijb!

  5. Happy Birthday ducatijb!

  6. Happy Birthday ducatijb!

  7. Going well Jewels....caught up with the goings at CV the other day....can't just give you a ring for a beer now hey....having 6 weeks off work with a busted ankle so I may be doing some trolling
  8. Old bastards keep dropping in to see what the whippersnappa's are doing...thought we'd be in the 7's by now Besides that FORD are still farrkked :roflmbo:
  9. Aprilia RSV-R Ducati S4R Monster
  10. Put me down as a 50/50 mate...if I can get the time off I'm there
  11. 48 ....Bf2 GT....Must be the old tnuc of the site
  12. Got me fcuked how people think she's a ggod sort....looks like a pork chop to me Guilty as charged
  13. We've tried Well done Punta....Champion
  14. Add me mate..need to catch up with some members
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