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  1. Im in Adelaide now, Largs to be specific
  2. I purchased My 2009 G6ET in Feb, within 2 weeks I was in for 2 warranty jobs. 1 was for the front window; wasn't happy with some chips and cracks I found. And 2 was the climate control would get stuck on Hot once selected and took a lot of fiddling to make cold again. The heater mixer box was changed and problem solved, turns out the plastic gear mech. linked to the mixer actuator flogs out (common issue apparently). Id say that's the sticky wicket
  3. Hi everyone, Would just like to start a running convo on parts and upgrades and where the best prices/performance are across the Adelaide area. Example: I'm the the market for some new tyres, Michelin are looking good. Also exhaust systems. Any advice of tips/tricks would be great Cheers. My 2009 G6ET is pretty stock standard outside of the Process West Induction Box I've put on it. Look forward to hearing more.
  4. Hi everyone, Bought my 2009 G6ET in Feb, already fitted a Process West Filter and Box; couldn't resist. Was wondering if there is still anything happening on the cruise scene around Adelaide, I'm from Mildura which when I got my licence had a great Cruise rep. Also was wondering what the best quality per results exhaust is I could get locally in Adelaide? Cheers for having me on the Forum and look forward to staying in touch.
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