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Bam XR

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  1. Looks tops mate, that colour really suits them and as someone said before, those black wheels really set it off!
  2. Thanks champ! Just what I was looking for... Cheers, Mike
  3. Hey all, Just wanting to know of a good site to upload some images to so that I can post some pics of my new XR6T. Thanks in advance!
  4. Bam XR

    Turbo Noise

    Is it both accelerating and decelerating? If so it could be a prob with the turbo, but if only on the way up and its not too major, it will just be the turbo spooling.
  5. Man, if I could only get some of those prices! I filled up yesterday, $1.48 for BP Ultimate. That stings, but then again, it a choice I make.........
  6. Man, some has waaay too much time on their hands. Kinda looks like snake skin
  7. There not applied in QLD yet. But they will be coming soon! So prepare! The laws are going through as we speak.
  8. Bam XR

    Hey All

    Thanks for the info! Will definitely do that. Prior owner is a fastidious/perfectionist mechanic friend, so should be ok hopefully, but I will most definitely check that out.
  9. Bam XR

    Hey All

    Wow, that's a little more than I am used too! The 200 had about 190rwkw but only wieghed 1200kg. Just really wanted to get into a bigger more comfortable car! (Thought I'd never say that! I sound old!) JETUTE: Not officially, but Its what I'm getting definitely. Was just waiting to sell my car, I know the prior owner pretty well.
  10. Bam XR

    Hey All

    Hey all, Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. I'm 23 and live in regional NSW. Been watching this site as a guest for a while now and as a result I have since put my 2002 Nissan 200sx on the market. It get taken tomorrow (for more than I paid for it) and I pick up my 2003 XR6T at the end of the week! Cant wait!! When I first looked at the car I had no idea but since I've been educated by this site I now know much more. So thanks for all your info! Just for info: 2003 BA XR6T - Blueprint Edit CAI Oil Cooler Stainless Exhaust Koni adjustables Koni adjustable sway bars GT Rear wing 5 spd manual Its a workshops owner car and as such has only done 21000km. Let me know what you think. And what difference should I notice from my previous rice rocket? (It was fairly modded). Also what power should it put out? Cheers all! Mike
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