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About fantz

  • Birthday 12/03/1980

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  1. Happy Birthday fantz!

  2. Happy Birthday fantz!

  3. Happy Birthday fantz!

  4. Happy Birthday fantz!

  5. many thanks for that, looks nice as.
  6. geezuz that is awesome, if you've got any other pics that would be cool. So, the doors, rear seats, and front's in any colour you like ? (I might do mine toxic in that case) for $2400 ? Just had a look at their website, they've got some impressive stuff there, might give them a call tomorrow, thanks for the heads up.
  7. Had my BF XR6 (na, but hey it still goes ok) ;p since early feb, got rid of my LEMON PIECE OF CRAP ba xr6 for it. My stories are fully detailed on another fordforum ;p Had a few probs, 6 speed auto is rough when cold and can be a little rough when warm too, not too hard to confuse it into clunking a little, but miles ahead of the ba. Paint is ordinary, as in, under the bonnet in the engine bay near the right strut there is a 1cent piece sized rusted spot where the paint has bubbled off. Paint doesn't reach all the way into the new fin design next to the foglight (everyone check this, you don't noticed unless you REALLY look). Panel / bumper alignment is ordinary as usual, and has a few other minor imperfections, but overall it's a far superior car to the BA, especially in noise and power/economy.
  8. Hello all. Looking to get my cloth xr seats re-upholstered in a custom leather, red or blue, or black. Wondering if anyone here knows of a place who does re-upholstering, preferably in Melbourne ? Not having any luck finding a place. If anyone here has any info that would be much apreciated. Also approx costs would be great.
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