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Everything posted by BFHOON

  1. I got one too. I like the bit about maintaining spare parts long into the future.
  2. nothing was stolen but I was going to work at the same time as they opened the door they got a real supprise..
  3. I think modding the seat mounts needs an engineer to certify it. I have crappy cloth trim so im getting drift recliners for mine....got rice..lol
  4. just thought I would give you guys a warning about storing your garage remotes in your car. an incident occured where a car was broken into and the garage remote was taken to gain access to the house. fortunatly they were desterbed when gaining access to the house and were chased away. im betting a lot of people store there remotes in there cars and the theves know it.
  5. if they are going to do rediculous things like crushing cars there needs to be a definate ruleing on what is a street race or allged HOON activity. I wont have my car crushed for driving normal in my turbo while some kid thrashes his pos hyundai with loud exhaust next to me trying to keep up attracting attention as he squeels the tyres. there needs to be clear cut evidence to do stuff like that. laws like this can be exploited I agree with the others high range dui is very dangerous as is street racing but it does not cost 50 grand when your caught for much more serious criminal charges like assult brake enter sell drugs and so on.
  6. if I was a legal migrant working in australia it would not be fair to deport me if I was not charged with any offences. I think he has some more to do with what has happened than whats being let known to the media however I dont agree with his visa being revoked on unsubstanciated charges.
  7. just a silly question... does your buisness card have a chicks ass on it. if so I have met you and talked about your beast .
  8. I have seen on here a thread about a ba wagon using typhoon running gear. you would have to be happy with a 3 to 400 rwkw ba turbo engine in your au wagon. vs the cost of trade up. add a tricked auto and a beefy rear end

    Got The Flu

    iv had this flu over the last few days, im getting over it now but iv been flat out at work also and im feling run down somthing cronic. im going to get me some of those flu shots next time, I suppose smoking and drinking dosnt help.
  10. these are good fun at partys... hey man how drunk are you.. mine has lead to excess drinking sessions to see who can get the highest score
  11. how about mounting a valve on the side of your dump pipe before the cat and run a bolt on bolt off side pipe with no cat no muffler
  12. you may find that other ants will come and remove the dead. mabee try some chalk dust ants wont cross a chalk line. also the scent trails need to be removed using some bicarb and eucaliptus oil mixed with water on the concrete around the car.
  13. it will run but wont go over 2000rpm popping and heaps of black smoke. the only reason I started it was cos I wasnt paying attention and flashed in the f tune. in saying that c&v can install injectors in about 15 minutes, there young guy has it all sussed out I watched him in and out in about 10 mins. its an easy job and is cheap/mabee even free if u get a tune aswell.
  14. BFHOON

    Bye Bye Bracks

    yep I agree somthing is going to go wrong.the rats are deserting the sinking ship.
  15. im going to have to agree with dboss on this one. get the injectors and the edit first, if u can get the airfilter and cai done before the first edit. then when you can afford the rest do it all at once in 2 stages, this will save $$ for the second tune.
  16. I can do a pretty good impersonation of an old lady. you know when they are calling because theres a gap when u answer it. I say hello hello dearey just wait I have to turn on my hearing aid.....hello hello I cant hear you. no deary doris isnt here do u want to speak to henry, hang on ill get henry,,,,, than u just leave it off the hook waiting for henry.
  17. it makes you feel bad telling him to f..k off when its for kids cancer.
  18. .I didnt read your post properly.
  19. you need to talk to veczar. he is the carputer king....
  20. its only legal if plumed back. any bov venting to open air is illegal. the little holes in the trumpet cause air turbulence and more noise.
  21. The Mach 1 and Plumback valves have now been combined into one affordable unit - the new Mach 1 kit comes complete with the parts required to make this valve vent to atmosphere for maximum noise, or plumb back for silent - and very importantly - LEGAL - operation. The loudest valve in the range, the Mach 1 will let people know you're coming! Featuring a single trumpet discharge outlet, this is a good replacement for factory valves and will help to reduce turbo lag and increase throttle response while blasting out a great WHOOOSH noise between gears. Flows enough air to support engines in the vicinity of 250kW. quote..gfb
  22. if u want big noise mate u need a gfb mach 1. I have mine plumbed back but on open air it can be heard 2 blocks away on 15 psi.
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