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Everything posted by GKGSJQKS

  1. I like you. We should go out on a date. I like to be held, I like to be cuddled. You look like a cuddler.
  2. You see, this is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. You guys won't quit because you have nothing better to do, and I won't quit because you people are just too much fun. I think we're all destined to do this forever.
  3. Heh, and yet you find the time to dribble on here with the likes of yours truly.
  4. Why should I respect someone I have never met before especially over the net? They could be the biggest piece of sh*t. No thanks, I'll choose who gets my respect when I meet them.
  5. Wow, you just completely ignored everything I just type. Did I not just say to take everything I post on here with a grain of salt? You truly think there is seriousness behind my posts? Fair enough then. I tried
  6. Alright people we need to clear some things up. First of all, I don't show people on forums respect for a few reasons. I have never met the person for starters and I have no idea who they really are. I will only ever show someone respect when I have formally met them in person after a face to face evaluation and they prove to be a genuine, down to earth character. As far as the internet goes, anyone could be anybody, their true identities remain a complete secret. As I already stated, I don't act like this in person, in fact I am a very considerate individual who simply minds his own business and avoids conflict whenever possible. So none of you should take any of this to heart. I merely want to be cemented in your hall of fame so when I'm living it up the rest of you can bring up my alias in future threads like these and be like "remember that dickhead Kokentoe? Man what an arrogant *beep*". Peace!
  7. Like I said, I speak the way I feel and the opinions of me from some random on a forum means absolutely nothing. So go ahead. I'm here for a bit of drama while sh*t picks up again. That part about earning a broken face? Is that meant to be a threat? People have tried to do that to me in the past, funny thing now is that not even their own mothers are able to discern their identity.
  8. Hah, do you truly believe I act the same way in public as I do with you commoners on here? Come now, tsk tsk tsk. When I do find a girl that is worthy of being called my equal, she will have whatever she desires in this world.
  9. No...I just wrote a solid description of a real man. When I mentioned girl among those things, I meant that when I see a girl I like, there is a good chance I will seduce her with my status without having to do anything. It's not hard at all, I know what they like. If they genuinely aren't interested after that, then that's no big deal, I will simply move onto the next one. There'll be a long line waiting when I get to where I want to be, cause I'm the BOSS!
  10. There's something you people should know about me. I'm the type of person who will stop at nothing to get what I want. Whether it's a car, a bike, a girl, whatever, I will find a way to have it. Life is too short to be content with mediocrity, and I always want the finer things in life.
  11. Then again I wouldn't mind a 507 edition C63, albeit it's not as fast as the GTR but at the end of the day it's a Merc. Decisions, decisions. Will definitely have either well before I reach my 30's anyway. Let us post back here in a few years with our cars just for sh*ts and giggles
  12. Haha sorry mate, when I get my GTR you won't hear anymore complaints
  13. I have a confession to make. I'm not really the owner of my car. It actually belongs to my cat and she took the keys back after finding out I was driving it.
  14. Seems tempting for the sound but I don't really want to have to move the battery across. Is there any reason why Ford decided to position the stock airbox on the other side of the engine? What about the middle muffler delete, has anyone done that before? Isn't that the like the thing MightyCarMods tested which didn't do jack sh*t?
  15. I'll be totally honest, I didn't like any scream vocals when I initially first heard them, but after giving the many different metal genres a chance, I found a particular style I liked and still enjoy to this day. For me, metal seems to be the only music that really evokes strong emotions in me. Lyrically there are bands out there who write songs that are quite morbid, but there are also bands who write meaningful songs that are positive in nature. Many people are ignorant when it comes to this and simply consider all metal music to be satanic and evil which isn't the case. If you want to go in depth with genres, I like what is known as "metalcore" which is a mix of metal and hardcore consisting of heavy riffs, breakdowns and solos.
  16. Turbo side intake involves the battery relocation right? Is this something that is done as part of a stage upgrade or do you have to specifically ask for it?
  17. Just clicked over into the quintuple digits. My baby is getting old. Car feels more or less normal again after a few tanks of fuel and a spirited drive.
  18. Metal is actual music though. It's composed using real instruments which takes a lot of skill to master.
  19. Honestly I'd love to put on some metal but knowing most people they can't stand screaming. In fact that's all I really listen to. Only rap music I like is by Eminem.
  20. Just threw together an edit of some random bike stuff from over the years to give people an insight to what I do for fun. This is my natural high you could say. To those of you who think I'm on something, well this is it. Adrenaline is one hell of a drug! https://youtu.be/ASxs_yhZhZ0
  21. See this what I do, I create drama. Only made two threads since I've been a member and they're both "HOT", kind of like myself, not meaning to brag at all but facts are facts. Now I must take my leave, for I have an important business meeting to attend. Try not to miss me too much people, and in case I don't see you again, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight.
  22. In fact I wish I never brought the topic up. I really wanted to talk about more power for my car, but for some reason I trailed off. Now I'm the type of person who will make a point when someone wants to have a go with me at the lights, especially if it's an arrogant p-plater. I don't back down from a challenge, but I am very particular in the way I go about it, making sure I only accelerate up to the speed limit or thereabouts and then back off once my point has been made. What pisses me off is that there isn't a road with a high enough speed limit to truly put them to shame, and accelerating up to 70km for example, I'm still ahead but only by a car length or so. Then of course I wait for the inevitable fly by after I have started to slow down. Some people just don't know how to accept defeat. Problem is that even with more power, given the distance it would take to get up to the speed limit of an average road, would it even be utilized, or would I just be there struggling to get traction. I know the saying, it doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile, winning is winning, but it is not satisfying to win by a small margin. I want to barely see them in my mirror but most modern cars these days can accelerate quite well up to 60km at the least, the Toyota Aurion being one example. If I had a Nissan GTR right now it would be a different story. No one would even touch me from a dig. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jN-YV_SZHHs
  23. Maybe so, but to all the people on social media expressing their sympathy, do they really give a sh*t or are they just saying it to make themselves feel like decent human beings and boost their image. What's with this "PrayforParis" saying they have got going. Pray? How about no, because religion is the cause of terrorism. Kind of contradictory. If they really want to make a difference how about they head over to Syria and do something about it, but wait, that's right, they value their own lives more just like you and I. Yes, I do feel for the people who have lost their lives in this tragedy but I keep my sentiments to myself, no one else needs to know how I feel about such a matter especially if I wasn't involved. How many people die each and every day and no one pays homage to them because it is never publicly announced. This issue goes beyond me as a person, there isn't a thing I can do to fix it so I won't even bother getting involved. I will focus on what I can do and what I can change. Many of you might think I'm a massive c*nt, but like I said, I will speak the way I feel regardless of being judged for it.
  24. Now now, don't be like that. If you're nice I might even take for you a drive in it And when I say I don't have a care, I mean a real care, not trivial bullsh*t on some forum, but actual life problems you know? Look at what just happened over in Paris, the whole world is freaking out but I need not concern myself with such affairs, I must only focus on my own life and how I can constantly go up in the world.
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