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Everything posted by GKGSJQKS

  1. I will concur that Red Bull in it's original form (blue and silver can) is not my thing. The red can pictured is the cranberry flavour which is completely different and the only one I enjoy. There's also blue, silver and yellow, none of which I enjoyed.
  2. Dropped my can of Red Bull as I was walking back to my car and the sh*t sprayed all over me. Fortunately I bought two.
  3. I thought you were blonde
  4. It's unfortunate that we live in a world where everything is based on appearance. To be rejected simply because one is deemed visually unsatisfactory in the eyes of another individual, being judged in 5 seconds or less and yet they know absolutely nothing about you. Even then, with looks aside, let us say a male looked like an attractive celebrity figure but in reality he had no job, no car and no other assets. Chances of meeting a girl would be good, chances of keeping the girl after she learns of this? Slim at best I would assume. It doesn't happen like in Titanic where the rich girl falls in love with the poor guy and wants to start a life with him and if it does, then it doesn't last long unless he wins the lotto shortly after. In reality she would have stayed with the rich guy even though she didn't like him, so at least she has security. I can understand that mindset to an extent.
  5. Haha only just read through this. I don't need a GTR to get girls. I just do this...
  6. So that's why he/she was asking for my number. Thought the guy was just gay but now it makes sense!
  7. No need to be like that madam. If you don't like my post, simply ignore it and move on
  8. No sh*t just had some indian in a HSV compliment my car. Couldn't understand him for the most part but that made my bloody day!
  9. "A person must not travel in or on a motor vehicle with any part of the person’s body outside a window or door of the vehicle" I think it's acceptable when you are stationary. If a cop wanted to be a *beep* and contest that, one could simply say "so then it's technically illegal to put your arm out the window while at the drive through"
  10. Spotted this black FG XR6T on Sunnyholt Rd. Not sure who the driver is but he's got a very nice car indeed.
  11. Lol, I've been back for a while. I even made a thread about it. Those were the naturally aspirated models which I believe are no longer being made.
  12. The C63 507 edition is a good example of such a V8.
  13. Yeah I noticed off the line the GT was more responsive. I think a lot of it has to do with how your mind perceives the different feelings of acceleration between the two with their distinct methods of making power, as you mentioned. Hopefully one day I get a chance to drive one first hand and an auto at that.
  14. So I have a mate with an FG F6 and we were curious about how it compares with the 335 GT. We ended up taking one for a test drive the other day which was a 2013 manual. Now I was only a passenger so I can only comment what it felt like from that perspective. After taking it onto the motorway and a doing a 0-100, both my mate and I were quite underwhelmed. It pulled well off the line but at no point did I feel any sort of rush and excitement which I feel when I'm in his F6. Perhaps this is just because it's a V8 with linear power delivery? Now to be fair, we also had one of the guys from Ford sitting in the back seat, but would the extra weight really affect the acceleration that much? That aside, according to my mate the car felt heavy, transmission felt clunky, and it just didn't feel as refined as the F6 but having said that, he has the ZF auto. It would have been better if we were able to test an automatic version instead. Overall, the GT is still a nice car, but personally I wouldn't buy one instead of an F6 if I had the money, unless the auto was noticeably different. At the end of the day I much prefer my turbos.
  15. With my mate in his stock F6 in Seven Hills and we came across this worked F6. Gave him a run at the lights. Rest explains itself.
  16. Chopped a VF Calais V in a stock FG XR6T.
  17. Says you can't receive any more messages
  18. Will do. Once I order and receive the kit I'll need to take it somewhere to have it fitted. Any recommendations around the western suburbs? Was thinking Sydney Suspension and Autocare.
  19. Planning on getting shockworks coilovers for my next upgrade. For those of you who have got them, do you have to order them through Shockworks or are there other distributors out there? I'm in Sydney.
  20. Haha that's fair enough. Seems everyone except me is flat out lately. Guess it's just that time of year.
  21. I've found the weekdays during the middle of the day is the best time as there's little to no traffic. Would you be keen if something can be organised? I'm thinking sometime early next year. Not expecting a huge number but it would be good to see a few of you out there.
  22. Needs to be able to chop a 6.2L supercharged LSA
  23. Ah right, fair enough. I myself am a fan of the M4. Shame they are so damn expensive lol
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