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Everything posted by GKGSJQKS

  1. Check all the wiring? Could be loose somewhere
  2. What are people's thoughts? http://www.hellionpowersystems.com/
  3. Someone enlighten me. I haven't been around for that long but I'm guessing it's a nickname for some ex-boyfriend that liked snorting the white stuff?
  4. Who's this kokeface character you always love to bring up?
  5. Haha my bad. Was meant to say "before" shutting it down. But now I'm worried that might be what's caused the problem as that was only mentioned to me recently. I guess I'll keep an eye on it and if the oil comes back I'll get Ford to look at it.
  6. Is it true you need to let the car idle for a bit after shutting it down if it's been driven hard?
  7. I just looked inside my engine bay and noticed there is oil on the turbo. I'm worried that something is f*cked. If it makes any difference, car just had it's 15k service. Can't confirm whether the oil was present in the time I got the car back or if it was there for a while. Assuming the latter, you'd think they would have noticed it when they had the car??
  8. I miss having two cars. Shame I had to sell my old VZ ute as it was a good run around vehicle. What if I put a couple of these in the spot parallel to my car? Lol
  9. Yeah I guess it's the luck of the draw. So far she hasn't copped any damage thanks to my over protectiveness, but I know I can't keep her safe 24/7. Guess I just have to take the chance like I do when I drive it day to day on the road where anything can happen really. People with expensive cars probably wouldn't care much, if they can afford cars like that then the cost for repairs would be trivial to their wallets. Lol @ that strategy. People that take up multiple spaces like that are asking for trouble.
  10. Yep, I just don't get it. I mean if it's someone that owns another nice car it's a bit better cause they will probably respect your car as they park next to you and open the door (you'd hope), but unfortunately that's not the case with everyone else that isn't a car enthusiast. Quite frankly it has me paranoid to leave my car anywhere.
  11. People that park their pieces of sh*t next to my car when I have intentionally chosen to park in an empty space with no cars on either side. You'd think they would choose one of the 20 other available spots but no, they feel the need to go right next to me. Fair enough if the car park is full but seriously, I don't understand the logic of it unless they deliberately want to open their doors into other cars, not like they would give a sh*t because those people are selfish, inconsiderate assholes.
  12. Stewart out again. Kind of lost respect for him after he failed to show up for the AUS-X open. This was funny though
  13. Haha not quite Stripes-san. Always wanted to visit Japan myself. Perhaps one day...
  14. Interesting read. Seems like oil is always something everyone has a different opinion on.
  15. Got to sit in one of the new Mustangs today. What can I say, it's a beautiful 2 door coupe with an amazing interior. Now I can see why they all sold out so quick, you really have to see the car in person to appreciate it.
  16. So rather than make a new thread, I figured I'd just ask here. Ford has been using GTX Prof 15w40 in my FG. Is that known as Castrol GTX Modern Engine in the red bottle? I had a look online and that's what comes up but it doesn't even say if it's semi or full synthetic. Should I just keep using this or tell them to use something else? What oil is everyone using/recommend?
  17. Happy new year lads and lasses. See yas in 2016. May the boost be with you!
  18. Well that's good enough for me, every 7500km it is. So what's everyone's new years resolution for 2016? I myself am going to be realistic by setting the goal of becoming the most powerful Jedi ever.
  19. Yep it's auto and I only took it to the speed limit so he would of just seen me get up to 80km or so Off topic, well, more off topic I should say. I've got the car booked in for the 15000km service on Monday. I did the optional service at 7500km. How soon does the oil normally change colour after they put fresh oil in? So basically what colour should it be since 7500km to 15000km or is it irrelevant? Also, is it a good idea to do all the optional service intervals if the car is driven hard now and then?
  20. Yeah definitely keen to get some mods next year. It's still a testament to the car's stock power though when people think it must be worked because it still goes hard. Then again, the first time I saw a FG T take off I was quite impressed. But yeah, me personally I'm used to the car's acceleration but I guess it's a different perspective for people who have never seen or been in one before
  21. This is a true story, like I swear to god bro! Alright here we go. Driving down the road earlier and stop at a set of red lights. A small Thrifty truck creeps up next to me and a lebo at the wheel says "you got a full house in there?". Confused, I ask "what?". He replies, "motor wise". I say nah it's completely stock. He goes "bullsh*t, I saw you take off back there". I say "I swear to god bro, all stock. No dyno sheets, nothing. Have you driven one of these from the factory? 270kw". He says "270? What at the motor?" I say "yeah the FG". He goes "so that's what, 220 at the wheels? I say "yeah something like that. I say "my mate has a stock F6 with 310kw and it's even quicker". He goes "that's gun". Probably still didn't believe me that it was stock which is understandable considering the car doesn't look stock at all. That just made my 2015! f*ck I wish I had a dash cam to record all these conversations.
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