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Everything posted by GKGSJQKS

  1. Ah awesome. I've been riding DH for roughly 5 years now and I've slowly found myself getting more into cars as the years have gone by. I wanted a fast car from the start but because of the laws I ended up getting a basic VZ V6 utility. Did all the basic mods to it, wheels, exhaust, speakers, etc and learnt how to do most mechanical work on it, but man it was so boring to drive, so gutless compared to the xr6t. It was only really handy for throwing my bike in the back lol..
  2. Ah cheers! I take it you ride also or are a fan of the sport?
  3. 2013 Norco Aurum 2. Sold my old ute so now I need a towbar and a bike rack if I want to go riding Haha well looks like this is my last post until the next 10. Here are some photos anyway.
  4. Will do. I will probably check the place out and talk to the owner as I like to go out for a drive anyway lol. Side note, what's with this 10 posts per day thing?
  5. LOL! Ok now I get the picture
  6. Yeah that's true but my mate with the F6 is taking his to Intune so all this info could be very useful as I'd like to pass it on. I'll get to doing as much research and reading people's testimonials. Man it's a good thing this topic was brought up!
  7. Is there any reason in particular they are bad? Can you guys share your experiences of where you have had your cars worked on and what happened exactly to make you dislike them? While we are on the topic, whatever the majority of people on here recommend is where I will end up going. Preferably with valid reasons to support their recommendation. Cheers!
  8. What about BTA Motorsports?
  9. Yeah that's quite true. I seen some video of an actual Ford Taxi pulling on an R35 down the straight on a race track. I'm in Sydney. Western Sydney to be exact. The place I got the quotes from was called Intune Motorsport. They specialise in Ford's and I've heard nothing but good things about them. Will more than likely take it there as it's just down the road.
  10. That's the plan. In order I will be doing the folowing: 1. Window tints 2. Suspension 3. Brakes 4. Engine mods Already been quoted what it will cost to push 300 and it ain't cheap but as you said I will most definitely enjoy it to no end. I can only imagine what it would be like. It's a shame I don't know anyone that owns one who could give me a demo. From a dig there isn't much that can touch a GTR but I'm sure a heavily modded T would be able to give it a run from a rolling start. At the end of the day I don't want too much power if I can't put it to the ground. I think I'll be happy with around 300, but we'll see lol Yeah I'm done with how the car looks. Pretty pleased with it, but I like the tail lights lol.
  11. I can't say that I have although that will change soon as the same guy is getting work done to his and offered to take me for another ride to see the difference. It's getting me rather keen to mod mine but as the moment I'm reluctant to touch it as the car is still under warranty. It will be a big jump because I'm looking at spending enough to get me pushing between 300-350 at the wheels. That's always the case isn't it. You buy a car and at first it seems relatively quick but after enough time driving it you simply get used to it and want more. Indeed it is an addiction. My dream car is actually a Nissan GTR and knowing how fast those things are, after doing some research even the owners say the car doesn't feel as quick as it did when they first got it and so they start modifying. Then again the GTR is so refined and has AWD so without actually driving one who's to say what the rush is like in comparison to a turbo Ford.
  12. Haha probably cause that's the case. I'm 25 and this is my first "real" car if you know what I mean. I like to stand out from the crowd, I see so many boring cars on the road that all look the same with nothing setting them apart from each other. I could of gone and bought an F6 but so could any other guy. I prefer to buy a stock car and do it up myself and so far I have received nothing but compliments when I take it out and yes I did remove the sticker on the rear window On that topic, I was parked down at my local shops near an F6 a couple of days ago and the owner actually came over and expressed how much he loved the look of my car. This was before I got my new tail lights but I met up with him today so he could have a look and he likes them as well. Took me for a quick fang down the road in his F6 and holy f#ck, they don't call it a Ford Performance Vehicle for nothing. An extra 40kw is a noticeable difference lol
  13. You know what...I'm starting to come around with this forum. You guys are alright lol Now please everyone give me your complete honest opinion. I can handle the truth. Will I ever be as cool as this guy?
  14. It's the last one I swear lol Yeah that's fair enough. I like the FPV badge because it's silver but I wouldn't put one on an xr6 turbo because it's not an FPV.
  15. What are people's thoughts on replacing the original Ford badges with these? Personally I think it would look good because the blue Ford badge seems out of place colour wise.
  16. Cheers all. Will definitely have to get the windows tinted as many have suggested.
  17. Cheers man. I appreciate your honest thoughts. I personally love the stripes but again, personal preference. As noted above, sticker is long gone. I'll be lowering it in the future on king springs and getting Bilstein shocks. Also looking at getting a set of Brembo's Haha I can handle a few nasty comments on a forum
  18. I meant a simple yes or no would suffice but I'll admit I worded it poorly. Constructive criticism on the other hand is fine. Each to their own. I like the lights. I see what you did there but the 6 is meant to be a G. The sticker is gone and I concur it looks better without it. Now on a more serious note, what is everyone's opinion on the car as a whole? Please no more stupid replies. Either you like it or you don't like it, will do Photos taken prior to new tail lights
  19. Well I really don't have patience for smart asses on the internet. A simple straightfoward yes or no answer is all that I ask for and instead I get a bunch of facetious remarks. Anyway I decided to remove the sticker. Consider this thread closed.
  20. Haha didn't realise you guys were towelheads
  21. Keep the responses coming guys. Going with whatever the majority thinks. So far leaning towards having it bare again.
  22. Hi guys Just wanting to know everyone's opinion on my custom sticker "Boosted Barra". Like it, dislike it, let me know what you think and why. I got it without knowing how it would look and have only had it on for a day. Cheers.
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