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About Banto

  • Birthday 01/07/1961

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    Tweed Heads

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  1. Ex Mechanic so I'm not a nuff nuff. I have a pretty good idea. No prangs bought it knew. Bought stage 1 intercooler and piping kit direct from Plazmaman. I do have the hot side done. Intercooler install was the easy part. I got a a lot of Atomic engine parts from Golebys they are first rate. The intercooler does mount up to to existing mounting brackets so that was easy. When I rang them all I got was " Our guys can fit these in an Hour and a half " What a champion.
  2. I just got a Plazmaman Stage 1and piping kit. Advertise zero cutting. Wrong. Piping Kit does not fit as it should. Nothing fits as it should. There downloads have nothing for the Stage 1 and piping kit for FG. Took over 2 months for delivery. Rang them 3 times took photos. Nothing. No Help at all. Stay away. $2047.78 down the drain. I will take it off take it out the backyard and burn it . Then start again. sh*t Companies. Don't Know how they have stayed in business. Stay Away.
  3. Hi, Just reading the threads on power steering cooler. I have a 2013 FG MK2 I bought new and in the process removing front bar to upgrade intercooler and also have this little cooler in front of radiator. I didn't know either what it was. But Knew to this so does anyone know how to remove the ford badge from the grill. Any help appreciated. Thanks
  4. Hi Guys, Has anyone had an issue with an engine rattle on cold start and even after warm up. Car is XR6 Turbo manual ute and only has 32,500 on the clock.Bought it new in 2013 really only a weekend car.
  5. Bought genuine Ford Exterior Mirrors with indicators and no memory and got them fitted to my fgt ute by an Auto Elec. Did a fantastic job. Even indicators in guards still function. All Coast Mobile and Auto Electrical did the work and these mirrors look so cool. I would show pics but have not figured out how to do that yet.Sorry.
  6. Did the same and dropped the Dex and refilled with 70/75 and also threw in a tube of G70. Much better.
  7. Not sure if this will help you. But my 2013 FG MK2 XR6t Ute handled like sh*t. It just would not corner under acceleration and back end would start to drift. Now I'm not saying I hammer around surburban streets, but when I get the chance. Hell Yeah. Anyway, I'd had enough so I removed the spare wheel. You know that heavy arse steel rim with the sh*t tyre on it that sits at the rear underneath. Took it for a good drive along same streets where it would'nt hang on and the difference was immediate. So I took out all that heavy spare wheel carrier and bought my self a mag wheel on Ebay to match my wheels for $100 in pretty good nick and got a new tyre fitted and now I have it in the back of the ute anchored with a tie down right up the front of the tub. (COG) Centre Of Gravity. This was a good cheap fix I also have kept all parts so easy to convert back should the need arise.
  8. Always have a workshop manual. Even a Gregorys can help. And keep updating your tools. What worked great on early model cars won't work today. Save yourself some pain.
  9. I have an FG MK2 XR6t Ute. Bought it new in 2013. Took it in for first service and they used the same oil they use in everything. Never went back. Did my Apprenticship at a Ford dearlership 76 to 80. Nothing has changed. Do it myself now. I use Nulon 0/40 oil and ryco filter. Changed the manual gear box auto fluid and illed it wth Penrite 70/75 with Nulon G 70 added and got rid of the stock oil feed line and fitted and Earls also got rid of the stock sh*ter and fitted a billet short shifter. My advice for what it's worth. Do it yourself. You could not do any worse than some wet back apprentice they put on your pride and joy.
  10. Do bigger wheels impact on speedometer readings and does it affect cruise control or any other systems? I would investigte before spending the hard earned paticularly on FG MK2 XR6t Utes. They can be a tad sensitive in some areas. Just saying.
  11. Had the same problem on 2013 XR6 Turbo MII FG. If I got stuck in traffic it would go in to a limp mode. I would have to pull over turn it off and wait a moment then restart it. This was how it was until it got progressively worse. Kept taking it back to Ford under new car warranty and of course they could not fault. Then it went into limp mode and the engine light came on and again Ford could not fault. Until all the planets aligned and I was driving past the Dealership and stopped at the lights when it all happened again. Drove in left it idling in limp mode with engine light on and got the Service Advisor to come out and witness it. They had it for the whole day and when I went to pick it up the same Service Advisor told me they couldn't identify the Error Code and were waiting for 'Feedback' from Ford. When I started it up I notice straight away that all they had done was increase the idle speed. Lying Mother F%#@ers. Bought and replaced Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) all good now. Have a look at that Grellow.
  12. Hi guys, Bought a brand new XR6 Turbo 6 speed manual ute in 2013 and it's had that clunk from new no matter what driving conditions. Open road, Cruise control or pushing it hard makes no difference. Car is stock standard. Before I even touch the engine I will need to investigate and hopefully rectify this apparent design fault. Sorry just whinging but it gets me down sometimes. Such a good car otherwise.
  13. Hi Guys, Just wondering where you got the right angle piece from. I fitted an Earls yesterday to my fg mk2 and used Aeroflow Stepped hose seperators. Does not look bad but not as tight as I had hoped.If it annoys me enough I may remove and use cable ties. Part Number 156-07-09R.
  14. Hi, Bought my 2013 FG mk11 turbo Ute from Victory Ford and they put in on 15,000 km service 5w 30 Castrol. Out of new car warranty end of year.
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