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  1. It might be worth looking at turbo actuator and test it, otherwise I would first look at ignition coils and plugs, which you already did. Look for any leaks or cracked plastic (if you still have factory plastic) in the piping from turbo all the way through intercooler to intake manifold. Also check fuel supply pressure. Depending on the pressure, it might be good on low revs, but starves engine of fuel on higher revs. If all of this comes out good, then I would shift my attention to transmission. I know that FG model deliberately misfires between gear changes in order to save transmission from brutal torque in auto transmission. I don't know whether they implemented this feature in previous models. Now, I would assume if this controlled misfire between grars is to become uncontrolled, then anything could happen, but nothing good, that's for sure...
  2. Yes, I got one. It's not bothering me at all. Light is blue at night to match the rest of ambient lighting and it seems to be just the right amount of blue light, so it's not intrusive. But thinking about it, I'd rather now have that turbo gauge on top of the centre dashboard lid (above screen display). I think it looks better there along with maybe oil pressure gauge.
  3. I don't understand those nasty replies to mike... Man simply asked very reasonable question to see your opinions. Yes, we all love our XR6T and we are all sorry it is becoming a history, but people you need to move on!! We all laughed at KIAs 10 years ago. Since their Optima GT I'm not laughing any more. They are showing what their capabilities are in designing cars. Give them a few more years, and they will be on par with the best Japan has to offer. Look at their engines in KIA vehicles. Power to liter output is very respectable. Now I'm not 100% sure they reached a point where they can develop an engine with huge power in a relatively small block without issues, but that remains to be seen...
  4. that's correct as keith said. although I would suggest if you decide to replace one, you should replace other as well. reason being is whatever caused first o2 sensor to deteriorate is probably causing second one to deteriorate as well
  5. mine is exactly like yours. that's how I bought it. Had it for 2 years, never had any issues with anybody including cops.
  6. nice one. my favourite white and black wheels and tinted windows. very nice contrast
  7. Hey, here's the link where I bought mine. Had it for 2 months now and no problem. http://m.ebay.com.au/itm/GENUINE-VDO-FORD-FALCON-AU-BA-BF-FG-FGX-FPV-XR8-XR6-TURBO-OXYGEN-SENSORS-O2-/292037687903?hash=item43fecd7a5f%3Ag%3AmfwAAOxy0QBSS5xF&_trkparms=pageci%253A46518b1b-fd87-11e6-873c-74dbd180a4b1%257Cparentrq%253A839d5b9f15a0a2af569a87f6ffe958f8%257Ciid%253A1
  8. You know that those machines can be quite thirsty if pushed hard. But there are other factors directly affecting fuel economy. My FG XR6T was getting really bad fuel economy on 98 octane fuel recently. Average fuel consumption was showing me 18l/100km and I could only manage only just over 300km out of fuel tank on mostly highway driving. Soon after, my dashboard showed engine check light. After checking the code I came to conclusion it is HEGO (heated exhaust oxygen sensor) sensor. There are 2 sensors in FG model. One before catalytic converter and one after. It is recommended to change both sensors at the same time. Ordered new set from ebay. Found set of 2 for $90, normally they are around $250. Replaced them, there's no more engine check light and my fuel economy is 12l/100km now. Still on the high side for my liking, but then again those are not standard engines. Also sometimes thermostat is not closing properly and engine can't get out of warm up loop. It causes excessive fuel consumption. But that is easy to tell if your dash temperature gauge is showing lower coolant temperature then normal. It is worth cleaning injectors as well and check for any vacuum leaks on the intake manifold. Apparently those bolts on the intake side need to be checked on regular basis. If there's vacuum leak there it causes mighty nightmare for ecu and all sorts of crazy behaviours.
  9. diff bushes can be up to $1200, so they are not cheap. also check rear control blade bushings as that's another common problem.
  10. welcome nice machine you got there!
  11. check rear control blade bushing as well. very common for them to fail before 100k. also that there's no vibrations during drive as it might be tailshaft balancing problem. ask whether owner replaced filter in little oil feed line to turbo. they tend to clog up and cause catastrophic turbo failure if bearings get starved of fresh oil.
  12. hpfmnst

    P1131 code

    Can't find anything on Western side of Melbourne. There's someone on the east, but couldn't find anything on the western side. Tried to caal this guy on the eastern side after Christmas, but he didn't answer his phone, probably on holidays...
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