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El Andrew

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Everything posted by El Andrew

  1. Admittedly I'm on a slower plan too because the connection used to be crap and wouldn't achieve the higher speed. Now that they fixed the node I'm close to the 30 down limit on the slow plan. Should upgrade and see how it goes. My main problem is the crappy router iiNet provide. Frequent drop outs for individual devices while other devices still have a connection. Talking between devices such as wireless printing and Chromecast is very hit and miss. I could easily buy a better VDSL router given FTTN uses VDSL so the routers are everywhere. However the wife is insistent on maintaining VoIP and that limits the choice and value A LOT. In another few months maybe I'll tell her that I didn't bother configuring the VoIP when I reset the modem about 6 months ago and then go and buy a decent router without VoIP ports.
  2. Still nothing exciting though, but is at least functional.
  3. We've got this weird pseudo NBN in parts of the ACT. FTTN VDSL that was built 20 years ago. Means the associated copper is much newer than the normal telephone stuff. iiNet own it now. When you sign up, they run a new line from the pole to the house, then inside the house to a new port. Totally eliminates any wiring issues that might exist in an old house.
  4. Nice, thanks - good tips from a road tuner. Makes sense too. Means I can build up to it and pull the pin if I don't like the look of the AFRs. Looking forward to data logging with PCMTec so I can overlay commanded with actual. Fuel delivery should be sweet once the injectors are done but nice to have data to be 100% sure.
  5. F6 injectors - rebuilt and flow tested from Pitlane Basically the target AFRs look good and the car dyno'ed 312kw on factory XR6T injectors. I'm nervous that while the target AFRs are good, there's very little chance they are being achieved. Plan is to install the injectors and update the injector data in the tune from a factory F6 strategy. Will also chuck my nearly new Walbro in too. Should have the wideband in by next week as well. Would be interesting to wind out the car and check the full load/ high RPM AFRs vs target at the moment, but could be a risky experiment...
  6. He doesn't really like you guys. He's just coming for the cars and the roads. [emoji12] Ran into him the other day - all conversation centred on Snowys cruise [emoji106] Meanwhile I've just added injectors to the list of parts to fit between now and then...
  7. Good advice there. Just cos everything comes from China doesn't mean it is all made to the same material grade or tolerances. Can't assume Ali Express turbo is going to be the same quality as a genuine Garrett. Some people on here have had good experiences with cheap turbos, others have lasted a few weeks.
  8. Looks like it is still v-band? What is you reason for replacing your existing turbo and looking at Chinese turbos? Edit: sorry saw there were multiple turbine housing options, some aren't v-band
  9. Lol. Ok then, is this better? Always nice to have a box waiting for you when you get home.
  10. Always nice to have a package waiting when you get home
  11. Haha good one! Oh well, if the pub looks no good we can head somewhere else for dinner. The Jindabyne place is different to last year too isn't it?
  12. Half the time it depends how busy they are too. Same as builders etc quoting for small jobs. I rang two places to get a bung welded into my dump for the wideband sensor on the BA. One guy said $350… another said $100. Guess which one has had all of my exhaust work and the numerous recommendations to friends since? Oh yeah and then there was the place that quoted ten hours to do diff bushes and front and rear shocks.
  13. Ooh and new pads ordered from Race Brakes Sydney yesterday. Going to give the DBA SP500s a go.
  14. Accommodation booked! If you book on Commercial Hotel Tumut website, current rate is $75. Bargain!
  15. Spray the toddler or spray the smoke detector?
  16. Ewww. https://www.whichcar.com.au/news/aussie-turns-ford-falcon-into-mustang-sedan This has probably been around a few times, but I hadn't seen it before.
  17. Lol at safety pac. Actually the Kluger is AWD and VSC. I'd better take it easy in that death trap.
  18. Could be a good strategy - buy it and within a week you'll be lying in the driveway fixing the BF!
  19. It looks all hectic sitting up there, but it's actually just an alternator not a supercharger
  20. I have no hoist. I'm thinking of dropping the pan one morning and then running it out to a welding place to get a plug welded in. Remaining drops and refills will be much quicker then.
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