Photos on this look like a B-series intake manifold. 2009 SY MkII.
Yeah annoying how a couple of seconds can cause such a pain! Oh well, bit of paint damage isn't the worst thing that can happen in life by a long shot. I've got a decent panel beater I know and also might get a quote from a mobile place. If the hole can be filled then the paint repair would actually be pretty minor.
Was putting the car up on stands and it swung very slightly as I was jacking for the third stand. (Pivoted on the one wheel that was on the ground and I think I had slightly lifted it off one of the other stands). I was well out of the way as always and the car didn't drop or anything, but the corner of the front bumper tagged the roller door guide. Bar will need a spray now. I guess when you DIY, the thousands you save offset any occasional stuff ups. Still pretty pissed at myself though.
Awesome, thanks! Yep, will have the coal baskets off to the sides so it isn't direct heat. Nice hot fire to get the crackling going. Score the skin, oil ,salt and off we go. Then bask in the kudos for doing not much really!
I need a new jack but am a bit worried the wife misheard my and I'm getting jacksh!t. Cooking a half leg of pork in the Weber tomorrow. Standard kettle job with heat beads. 4.7kg, 160mm at the thickest part when load flat. I'm thinking a touch under 3 hours on a hot fire for medium. Any thoughts@Rab [emoji16]
Anyone used a good product to clean/polish a windscreen? Mine has paint marker residue on it that glass cleaner isn't sorting. Usually invisible, but when there's condensation my windscreen says -1 owner -logbooks -cruiae control -bulk power for skids
Keith is right - they look different. I put my Kompact on backwards initially as I copied the factory orientation. Factory definitely works - if it didn't you would hear compressor surge. Remember too that the factory one is designed to be ultra quiet. My Kompact Dual Port makes much more noise than the factory BOV, even when set to full recirc (like it always is).
It is a good point that you shouldn't support a car on bricks, but in this case all he has done is support the suspension with the paver to lift the suspension to ride height. The car itself is clearly well-supported by stands and other jacks.
Just went to the local tool shop (couple of old guys, looks like it hasn't changed since 1960, they work out your bill on a calculator and write it in a book). Anyway, work gloves with leather palms were $19.50. But they had managed to buy a bunch in bulk. 12 pairs for $20... Need less to say I coughed up the extra 50c.
1. Scan for fault codes as a starting point. 2. Check your coils and plugs. There's an excellent chance it is coils and a new genuine set will sort you out.
Done. Seriously though, your advice has saved me plenty along the way, so happy to chuck the old one in the post. I'll PM when it's off. Will be a late Xmas present though cos I won't get to this until early Jan. Fark me, I bought the trans cooler last February for a different car! Has been a busy year.
Thanks guys. Yep got a mech sleeve ready to go, from reading a post of yours in another thread Arron! Ended up buying the pan with the drain. With a discount code is was about $165 and includes the drain, filter and gasket - all of which I would need to buy. Last night I was like nah, I can just buy one and weld it. This morning I was more like let's go the easy option. Plus some plastic sumped chump might buy my current steel pan.
Thanks for that. It is a good point - ain't nobody got time for a smashed off drain bung. I had a quick look earlier for something specific with no luck but will search properly later. If not O2 should do - gives me time to fit my injectors while I wait for it to drain!