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El Andrew

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Everything posted by El Andrew

  1. Plus if you went the 460, you'd have to modify your return and possibly need a new regulator to keep your fuel pressure correct. My FG is about that power and I've got the pump Keith mentioned above. You could probably get away with a factory FG pump, but I'd rather know the pump could easily keep up.
  2. Imagine if you were trying to get out the door in a suit to get the kids to school and then go to a job interview, and the cat took a dump, had half of it hanging from its butt and then starting dragging it's rear around the house trying to get rid of it... That's my morning so far.
  3. I had 6 wisdom teeth - I must be smart. Was down your way yesterday Keith (well, Melbourne at least). Was a nice sunny day which I spent largely inside!
  4. If you've got that history then it sounds like your doc knows what is up. As you say though, dropping weight is a good thing regardless.
  5. Hope you can sort it quickly Dan. As Puff says, a bit of walking and decent diet would shed weight pretty quick. Sort of related, but I've been on blood pressure medication since I was about 19. 37 now. Went to get a prescription repeat and the doctor couldn't believe I'd been on that medication for so long without a doctor reviewing it. There is apparently much better stuff now than what I was on, and my stuff weakens your heart!! Point is, pays to make sure your doc is giving good advice! I've been lowering the dose gradually and checking BP daily for a couple of months. Down to a quarter of my original dose and BP still fine, so I may not need anything at all ongoing.
  6. If you ring Gulf Western direct, they will supply 20L delivered to your door for about $150. Bargain! After doing that for the trans oil, I get all my oil direct from them now.
  7. The sensors get a bit slow over time anyway, especially over about 100k. If you don't know how old the sensor is, I think you'd be doing yourself a favour even if it isn't the cause of your current issue. TI Performance stock Bosch sensors for $49. https://www.tiperformance.com.au/products/bosch-o2-sensor-suit-au-ba-bf-fg-falcon-sx-sy-sz-territory/?gclid=CjwKCAjwtYXmBRAOEiwAYsyl3Fcj0UQ3Ph0ymTFKoyqJbSSN4lCA8uF20NEQgVVAOfVZmRgk7HMwhhoC3cwQAvD_BwE
  8. Would you use it more generally for work as well? Could claim partly as a work expense partly as a self-education expense. Would be the ducks nuts for data logging and tune adjustments in the car compared to my current 17" laptop with approx one hour battery life!
  9. Haha I was telling the wife she should take my laptop to replace her ageing laptop so I can get a Surface Pro. Next morning her laptop won't power up... I honestly didn't touch it!
  10. I have one of these and it works great: https://www.anker.com/uk/products/A3351011 Not sure if it allows multiple devices to connect simultaneously though, if that's what you are after. I had a Kinivo one that did, but it didn't last very long. If you wire in an extra USB power source behind the dash, you can reduce the cable clutter significantly.
  11. Leather seats on minus 8 mornings also not fun
  12. @cat007 actually I was thinking about your post in another thread about this. I rarely get to 85 degrees, where my fan kicks in, and it sticks at that temp or below once the fan is running. That's just around town though. I wouldn't have thought 105 degrees was hot enough for limp mode. How hot do you get just commuting etc? My inner guard is always cool to the touch so haven't thought any further about trying to get heat out of there. Should have a good 90 min run through the hills coming up in a few weeks to learn a bit more about the temps.
  13. My eyes hurt https://www.carsguide.com.au/oversteer/the-au-falcon-that-thinks-its-a-holden-74112
  14. BA was a loud job, but my FG is just 4" dump and cat and standard behind that, so very quiet at idle. Drop in kit is a good option. You can save some money by fitting the pump to your existing fuel module, but is a bit more mucking around with hoses and clamps. But good point - if you can hear the pump just get a louder exhaust - win:win [emoji16]
  15. The Walbro option has been done time and again reliably in Falcons and is tried and tested, plus gives you some headroom over the factory pump if you want to push the boost past stock sometime. I put a Walbro 255 in my BA sedan before the car died. It was super loud on prime when you key on (which I kind of liked) but couldn't hear it at all when the car was running. The pump only did a few months in the BA and I finally got around to putting it my FG a couple of nights ago. Same thing - sounds like a race car when it primes, then whisper quiet. Hopefully that helps if you don't know anyone with a Walbro you can listen to first hand.
  16. Yeah a read the book a couple of years back. Cool story!
  17. Haha yeah - when they are needy it is super cute, but sometimes like "I don't this sh!t" I was tracing a wiring issue with my transmission fan and had a test light jumpered back to the negative terminal on the battery to test what wiring was working under the car for the temp switch and from the manual switch. Laying under the car being super confused because nothing was testing as live. Look towards the front of the car and the cat has pulled the wire off the battery and is playing with that end on the ground.
  18. Our previous cat was a RSPCA job and was mental as anything. Would have a meltdown if I went away for work and tear the wife to shreds if she went near him. Actually had to have him put down as he was attacking the 12m old who was trying to walk and scratched his face. Was sad cos him and I were tight - he loved me and hated the world. But you gotta do what you gotta do. Current cat was hand raised indoors and loves everyone. His approach to life is a lot more relaxed:
  19. Search this forum as there is a thread somewhere on it - but I think it turned out to be a lot of mucking around
  20. Seems to be what most people do - just leave them disconnected. Not sure if it is an issue having the airbags just sitting there without a control system though - others may know more.
  21. I'm not quite sure it is that simple mate - if your car didn't have side airbags from factory, it won't have the correct control module, side impact sensors or maybe even wiring loom to support the additional airbags.
  22. Saturday indeed! About to start a group training session in a park. About my 4th time this week and at least this week it isn't raining! Push ups and crunches in the rain are not fun...
  23. Something clear sounds like a good idea. But why has no one suggested getting rid of the car altogether and doing a turbo Barra conversion on the wheelchair?
  24. Nothing has a zero environmental impact. The point is that for whole of life (including manufacture, transport, installation) solar has less environmental impact than producing the traditional types of energy you buy off the grid. The upfront cost vs long term benefit concept is the same - whether you are talking about financial cost or environmental impact. You are focussing on the specifics of the analogy rather than the principle - both are decisions to spend money upfront for a greater long term gain.
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