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El Andrew

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Everything posted by El Andrew

  1. Smartest thing I've ever heard: US is considering legislation to make daylight savings permanent. Just deal with the dark mornings and stop stuffing around with the time. Dumbest thing I've ever heard: it's called the Sunshine Protection Act.
  2. LOL I got a quote yesterday due to clear coat peeling on the spoiler. The paint gets looked after pretty well - washed, periodic wax. Body shop said there is just literally F-all clear coat on it in the first place
  3. Pergola got the all clear from the building certifier this afternoon. I still want to throw a row of roofing screws into the flashing on the long edge, so hanging string lights while I've got the scaff there. Then one more coat of paint and it's beer time. Actually no, it's build a deck time...
  4. That's not the least accurate thing I've heard today
  5. Good work! Unfortunately there is only one location in Canberra with E85 and it comes and goes there for unknown reasons. The Subaru stuff is only $13 if you buy a few of them so no big deal. Need to look at flushing the CVT but that can wait until I've built a deck. Is something to do with the chemicals in green and red that is incompatible with something inside the cooling systems of newer Japanese cars. Keep meaning to look at this properly - my engine bay would look much better with red coolant than green!
  6. Did my first Subaru service. They are weird things but was probably the easiest oil change I've ever done. Fuel system additives and upper engine cleaner was a new world for me. Unfortunately too they use blue coolant so I didn't have any in stock. Realised after I'd pulled off 19 plastic rivets to get the shields off to access the radiator drain. So will finish that but tonight.
  7. I'm about to dig 45 holes for the deck. What are you blokes doing next weekend? [emoji23]
  8. Weird! The FGs definitely hate low voltage so a quality, strong battery is definitely worth having if you don't have one already. Other than that, could be a bad ground somewhere. You don't have aftermarket tail lamps by any chance? There was someone on here a while back with all sorts of brake light issues but forgot to tell us they had cheapie aftermarket lights and turned out they were playing up.
  9. Check if your brake lights work - common problem for the brake switch on the pedal to fail. If the lights don't work, the switch is a cheap and quick fix. The switch turns the brake light on, but also tells the car that the brakes have been activated. Basically, the car is slowing faster than the computer expects as it doesn't know the brakes are on. So it disables DSC, ABS as it thinks it doesn't have full control of the system. If the brake lights work, it's not that.
  10. Offered this for dinner. Would also constitute a hot dog
  11. Nah. It's pretty nice under there and light inside the house hasn't been affected - we have zillions of windows so is actually a bit less intense now inside the house! Pergola fes east so gets lots of morning sun underneath. Cops full afternoon sun on the roof so didn't want to make it a sauna with the clear panels. Plus I made it nice and high so get some light in the sides. Hit Bunnings today to sort out lighting. Going to run a few 140mm merbau decking boards across the underneath of the rafters (so along the length of the pergola) with downlights set into the middle board.
  12. Got the roof sheets on yesterday. 14 X 5.5m sheets in under an hour. Amazing what 4 impact drivers and a few friends can do in a short space of time. Stacked the sheets on the flat family room roof, laid them on the pergola, ran string line and then all walked in a line firing in the screws.
  13. Lots of people used to like QFM on here, but haven't they closed down now?
  14. I'll add more details later, but finally got cracking on pergola over the past few weeks. I'll do the corrugated steel sheets on the weekend and then the deck will come next
  15. Or thems the brakes in this case... Nice haul there Keith! I had the FG hitting the nose on the driveway and had the Lovells setup (previous owners choice) where the rear rides higher than the front. Put Kings SSLs in the rear to change the take and bingo no more nose scrape
  16. Yep, is usually for pump staging. Will switch on the second pump once a certain boost pressure is reached. Saved having both pumps running all the time and also less fuel circulating and heating.
  17. Thought I'd check back in on this one - was a bit of a strange one. Injectors wouldn't scale at all - still heaps rich. This was on 1000s, F6 injectors and the stock ones and trying the factory reg again! Managed to confirm manufacturer data was incorrect and got some fresh stuff via the retailer and Raceworks. Ran better, but started missing. sh*tloads of fuel had fouled the plugs. Swapped in an old set of plugs that weren't too bad and miss went away, but still heaps rich and no response to scaling. I went to drop it down off the ramps to take it for a drive to learn a bit more and noticed the sump was leaking. No idea how and had been idle for a couple of months in lockdown so might have been a couple of months back that something happened. Scored an NA sump, had the turbo return tapped and then drained the oil to bog up the crack so that it held enough to get it to Ford. After the oil change it was much better, but not perfect. Anyway, went to Ford and had the replacement sump fitted which included running up to temp a few times over a couple of days to check for leaks. When I got it back, fuel trims and wideband were perfect! My theory is that the original RW injector data was so bad it absolutely flooded everything in fuel. So trimming injectors and switching back to my known good injector/tune combos did nothing, as there was uncontrolled fuel from the oil and maybe the manifold was half full too. So the oil change half fixed it (oil felt pretty thin and smelt like fuel). Then idling for ages at Ford burned off the rest of the excess. Been running on factory injectors and tune to confirm everything is ok and has been great, so I'll have another go on the 1000s sometime, using the updated manufacturer data as the base. Theoretically will be fine, but feel a bit nervous! Anyway, got to build a pergola and a deck before so get around to that so will be good to be rewarded with a fast car again after all that.
  18. What's going on Keith? I've been super quiet on here lately. Been flat out designing and getting clearances for a pergola and deck project for the last couple of months. Certifier checks the pergola post holes tomorrow and then I'm good to start building, subject to the remaining timber being available. I'll update in the new build and reno thread as I go. Timelapsing it on the GoPro too.
  19. Is it a ZF? If so, I'd bypass the factory heat exchanger altogether. They warm up pretty quick and remember these things went into cars operating in extreme sub zero temperatures. That way you won't risk a milkshake. Saves you mucking around with the thermal bypass too. I put a fan with a thermo switch and manual ovveride on my external cooler. To be honest though it probably doesn't need the fan unless you are tracking the car. I think my thermo switch has died and I only use the manual switch if it's getting a serious flogging through the twisty stuff .
  20. El Andrew

    Running hot

    I'll tell you soon - my thermostat housing gasket is leaking and new thermostat and gasket should arrive in the next couple of days! Sounds like you have an air pocket somewhere. Should just be a matter of letting it idle up to temperature with the heater on full. You can squeeze the radiator houses to help burp some air out. Leave the overflow cap off and make sure there is always coolant in there during the process. Then just keep an eye on the level and temps over a few days
  21. Haha yeah I though from your first post you meant you had the trots. I was like, "Again??"
  22. I've got the Antz one and have been very happy. The only thing I would say is that it had a generic pod filter and personally I chose to swap it for a K&N for peace of mind. Generic might have been fine though. Some of the kits include a name brand filter so worth thinking about. Regardless of probably zero performance gains at my power level, the thing pays for itself every time I do any maintenance that previously would have required the crossover pipe to be removed! [emoji1787]
  23. El Andrew


    I had pretty heavy arm soreness at the injection site for both shots and a bit tired that night. But I think I was well enough to go for a run the day after on both occasions. Does seem to vary a bit!
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