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El Andrew

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Everything posted by El Andrew

  1. Well, bought some time ago but just used. Kreg saw track. Works great and almost no tear out. Good alternative for someone like me who can't really justify the space and cost for a table saw. These are panels for the outdoor kitchen. I need a bench deeper than the panels I could buy, so ripped one down the middle to glue to the whole panels.
  2. Definitely not worth any more than $14,970 if there was no gasket there... Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  3. Now just hope he uses that intellect for the greater good. Ideally, tuning cars [emoji16]
  4. I got that brand for bonnet and boot too. Initially I thought they were junk because the thread on one of the boot struts got stripped (where the end with then clip threads onto the strut). Then I realised the kids were lifting the boot up to get school bags out and just letting it fly until the struts grabbed it. Told them how to do it properly, got the same struts again and they have been great.
  5. Haha same problems here. I just realised it's been 12m now on the stock tune. Got the bigger injectors and a few other servicing things sitting there to do but just haven't found time. Too much deck building, gutter replacement, stormwater issues and COVID have made car time hard this year!
  6. Haha love that game! Also a big fan of Halls Gap. Went there heaps as a kid from Adelaide. My bro in Mt Gambier just got a decent sized bush block there too so gives me a good reason to visit
  7. I had the sump, rocker cover and timing cover resealed by Ford a couple of years back for $900 all up. Then sump only for about $500 last year after the sump was damaged and had to be replaced. Was the one time I found Ford cheaper than elsewhere as they seem to know how to do it quickly.
  8. I think Rab already summed up Natural Confectionary Company nicely
  9. Haha should train it to walk on a lead and wear the claws down on the concrete
  10. Made a rookie mistake - went to the pet shop to get the dog a new collar. Took the family. Came home with a kitten. Seems to be getting on alright with the dog...
  11. Haha nice. I need to stop spending all of my waking, non-work hours building a deck and start installing fuel systems and getting the car Snowys-ready
  12. Actually action packed or sarcastically action packed?
  13. Are either Sosta in Rundle St or Gauchos in Gouger St still good steak options? My Adelaide game is pretty dated now but remember some good feeds and both of those.
  14. Well, one drill and one impact driver... But yeah two rotaty thingos that can make holes with the right bit!
  15. I wonder if they are actually different? The Densos are Motorcraft branded. I'm pretty sure I've got them in there now and a Ford branded set on the shelf.
  16. Maybe he just trusts Rab more
  17. They are different - turbo plugs have a gap of 1.1mm, gas are 0.7. Gas plugs are better for increased boost, as Keith says, to stop spark being blown out. These are what you want: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/200973896683?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=705-154756-20017-0&ssspo=8S9VA-FsSJ2&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=N4BYE3kzRYW&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Edit: posted same time as Keith's second post, but same same
  18. @YLD127 @civillian you guys planning to come this year?
  19. Thanks heaps guys. Yeah ours is a brand new inverter system which was meant to be very efficient. Our ceilings are insulated, as are all of the new ducts. I'm gradually replacing the windows with double glazed, but I imagine that might make a 30% difference, not 300%! Found some research online comparing household energy use for electric only households. We have gas cooktop and hot water so should be less. Suggested average consumption of 25 kWh during winter in Canberra. I'll look up in the roof for any leaks and waiting to hear back from the installer. Our meter reports remotely on an hourly basis so I can see pretty detailed usage data. Usage is almost zero overnight or when we are out so definitely not some other appliance suddenly using excessive electricity. And no, I don't have any power outlets in my roof space!
  20. Yeah that's a good plan. I shine the torch into the evap vents too and can see insulation wedged into all of them.
  21. Yeah the quote I got on solar and battery suggested a 17 year payback! But we have a weird thing in the ACT where the government invested in an SA wind farm and buys electricity at a fixed cost. We only use half of it so the rest gets sold to the national energy market and ACT gets the difference back. So the higher electricity prices go nationwide, the lower ACT prices go. My solar quotes suggest estimated gross electricity usage of 25 kWh per day in Canberra with a modern ducted reverse cycle in a 3 bedroom house so something ain't right.
  22. Any of you with ducted reverse cycle know what your average kWh usage is during winter? Had our gas heating and evap cooling replaced with a reverse cycle unit last week. Electricity usage has increased from an average of 10 kWh per day to 60! Seems a bit odd. I had heard the usage for similar systems in Canberra was around 10 - 15 kWh per day. We leave the unit off overnight and in the evening turn zones off and shut doors when they are no longer used (eg once the kids are in bed, the family room is closed and zone turned off). Run the house at 20-21 degrees. I'm a bit suspicious there's maybe a duct that wasn't sealed properly or one of the old evaporative ducts wasn't tied off and so I'm leaking warm air and the unit is running flat out. I'm getting those properly removed and the ceiling patched soon. I've emailed the installer to see what they think, but if anyone knows their own usage it would be a good sense check. Edit: 3 bedroom single story. Open plan kitchen, dining, lounge and separate family room.
  23. When I parted out the BA I noticed there was some blood from my hands behind the passenger headlight [emoji1787]
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