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El Andrew

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El Andrew last won the day on March 17 2024

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About El Andrew

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    Canberra ACT

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  1. LOL I did the same - now it's dirty frying pans and a smoke filled house every morning. I just want 5 mins to make some oats and a coffee, but the kitchen is like Macca's on pay day.
  2. I meant people in general and specifically me, when compared to a pro. Not you! That would have been very harsh!
  3. I'm impressed by this. I found that slapping in some boost and then being sensible with fuel and ignition timing isn't super hard if you do your research, use your noggin and do some data logging. Even if your results are only 80% of what a pro would get, you've still made a very sizeable difference. Making noticable gains without being able to increase air quantity - different ball game.
  4. I reckon there was something years ago about the long top ones but not sure that extended to FG. Where is the leak from? I imagine it's just a reseal needed, which will be the rocker cover seal. Front cover goo and makes sense to do the half moon and crank seal while it is apart (and because they could be the cause of the leak)
  5. Congratulations Keith! Looks fantastic. Garage makes me drool [emoji846]
  6. There is a rubber half moon seal kit you need that seals the, well, half moon shaped parts of the sump at each enD of the crankshaft. Other than that, the gasket is all RTV
  7. Yeah remember that oil runs down and has a tendency to gather on a low point so that spot may not be your leak. I saw some powder stuff recently to help trace leaks - you clean everything down and dust on the powder which makes the leak more visible. I had a decent crack in my sump which I covered in two layers of gasket goo (Permatex ultra black) until I could get it fixed. So what Puff is suggesting is a good plan if that is indeed your leak. Mine worked so well I almost regretted getting it fixed properly.
  8. Hey Gaz. That's no fun! You are giving me flashbacks of the 4x wheel repairs and new tires I needed after that trip. A couple years back in Canberra there were tons of potholes after an extended rain period. People were claiming repair costs back off the ACT government so you could try contacting whoever operates the road and saying they've caused pothole damage.
  9. Plus you can tell people you are licensed for a hectic UHPV. That's got to be worth at least $57.83 of the $81 cost.
  10. Congratulations Keith - that's awesome news. Enjoy it mate. It's nice feeling settled and knowing you can do what you want with the place.
  11. I'm not sure that's right based on the factory manual - says a dob at each end and the middle arrow is just showing the direction the parts fit together. But if I was doing one again I'd be inclined to add silicone along the whole length of the half moon seal.
  12. Had the same issue. Mechanic had sump off so new half moons and resealed the sump. Front half moon failed within 12m and I replaced myself. There are a few recent stories like this and I noticed that the new Permaseal replacement I installed was slightly taller than the seal that was in there. (Inside limit is extended a little.) I wonder if there was a slight redesign at some stage and sometimes the wrong seals are going in, or if it is just a common issue and there was a redesign to resolve.
  13. I might be wrong but I'm going to suggest that any leak that hits the sump is always going to gather on that seam. I reckon a leak from there is pretty unlikely. Recently saw a trick where you clean everything down and spray foot powder or something everywhere so that the path the leaking oil is taking is much easier to find. Front crank seal and front half moon seal can look pretty similar in terms of where the oil gathers too
  14. I did the whole DBYD thing a couple of years back - is all online now and you get something back from each utility provider. The gas one came back just as "there are gas services at your property". The repair guy said if you ring the gas network provider direct they will come out for free and paint up where all the lines are and use their depth detectors to tell you how deep. I know for next time!
  15. Yeah was digging a pit to connect up some new stormwater to the clay pipe. Gas was only 250mm deep and without warning tape so that's a bit annoying. I was still the idiot with the spade though. Gives you a decent fright when it goes [emoji23]
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