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Ben Mahomed

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About Ben Mahomed

  • Birthday 26/06/1997

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  • Location
    Melbourne, Vic

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  1. I've tried, but I can't find Auspac.
  2. So I am looking at a new exhaust for my '09 FG XR6 and I am unsure of either Auspac or X-Force. I am hoping that someone can post or link me to a video. Thanks
  3. Need some help deciding. Black or Silver on my ego xr6? Does anyone have pictures?
  4. Thanks although I am looking at 20's but they do give me an idea. Anyone have a pic of silver?
  5. Hi, I'm looking at buying some Lenso D1R rims. How ever I'm torn between the matte black or the silver. If anyone had a picture of them on an ego colour car that would be great.
  6. Happy Birthday Ben Mahomed!

  7. I'm looking at buying an exhaust for my fg xr6, I was wondering if just the cat back system, (not the full exhaust system, so no headers) increased the power. I am on my p's and the police in my area strict on this type of thing.
  8. I've tried it has come up with a few, but they weren't very good angles.
  9. Hi, I am looking at getting Speedy Carbine rims for my fg xr6 and I was wondering if anyone had some and could post a pic thanks.
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