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About Stray

  • Birthday 27/06/1982

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  • Location
    Wanneroo WA
  1. just realised my little bro has a wrestling show that night so I'll be out of this one......
  2. No rush I was just wondering............
  3. Anyone figured where the meet point will be? Nor or sor?
  4. Im up for it, havnt been on a cruise in ages, ill bring my clear coat peeling car hahaha
  5. Happy Birthday Stray!

  6. Hey guys I got a generic trans cooler kit, it all mounted ready to go but I only got one female barb fitting to go onto the metal lines so I can fit the hoses. Does anyone know where I can get another one from and I'm unsure of the size. Any help would be appreciated.
  7. Damn I'd be there but I'm doing my brakes tomorrow morning, if I finish quick I'll try and get down
  8. Hey guys I'm doing this right now and got everything off minus the 24mm in the block. I read back a page and some one stated if you put a small screw driver through and it goes in more then a inch, the filter has been removed already. Well mine went in 2 inches, so I'm putting it all back together until someone else says no that's wrong and I'll do it again hahaha. Not that hard of a job from the top with the right tools
  9. Looking at doing this on the weekend, if I'm just gonna get rid of the filter do I need to get new washers? Or just put it back together with the old ones?
  10. Stray

    New Members Thread

    Hey guys just got a ba xr6t, clear coats peeling, but it has premium sound, sunroof , auto and 165k on the clock, needs a general tidy up and some small fixes. Just want the basic mods intake exhaust and tune as it's my work hack. Oh yeah I'm from Perth WA . Look forward to looking up all the info I can on here, cheers
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