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  1. I have 25000km on the car average 12.9- 13 in city with a little hiway all hiway about 12l/100
  2. I Drove the chev impala with the new V6 in USA , 2004 model , 22,000 miles very dissapointing , same size engine as the comondorem all Expensive Daewoo hype and no go, usual GM product
  3. I have 2600km on my set with highway and city driving with very little sign of wear . Dunlop SP3000
  4. I agree they all look ugly tipical gmh, sell anything to Expensive Daewoo buyers as long as it has the Expensive Daewoo badge what do they car the money will role in with mimium effort. Most aussies who buy them could not tell the difference between calk and cheese
  5. no one has mentioned that car saftey in the last 10 years has gone leaps and bounds ahead , yet speed restrictions have gone from tollarable to sheer stupidity in the the same time because we the motorist are the cows with golden milk that as far as the pollies are concerned will never stop flowing. Drove around sth Island of NZ hardly a pot hole to be seen, even rains there. It about time the motorist put some of the blame back where it belongs. 21 st centary and the most use highway in Australia is still not dual carage way(pacific hiway) answer redued the speed liimit. F3 to sydney the concrete is breaking up so reduce the speed. If you slow everybody up the broken up roads don't seem so bad and moey can be made.
  6. yes I was trying to get a look at races on sunday but too many beside me were too busy smoking, good day though, no rain & not too cold
  7. I liked to use the statistics , is that still available?
  8. polo shirt and jacket get my vote
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