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Everything posted by Puffwagon

  1. Awww lol. Moments like that make it all worth it. Happy birthday and have a great day!
  2. Wmmfg today? My young fella has got a cold and climbed into our bed at 5:45am coughing and snotting his head off. That sucked but when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade, so I got up and cleaned the house. Feels good that most of the cleaning is done today. Plus it's Friday so I'm pretty sure a real beer is on the cards, none of this home brew muck.
  3. Rocky and Bullwinkle was one of my favorites as a kid along with Ren and Stimpy. I'm currently watching dino trux and look forward to watching the wiggles and Jake and the pirates later.
  4. I actually came here to say that wpmo is that the bearing in my turbo has just started to go so I have no transport for about a week while it is getting fixed up.
  5. I know this too well. I'm a full time stay at home dad to 3 kids. The oldest just turned 4 and the other two are 16 months and nearly 3. My life consists of making food, changing clothes and nappies, doing dishes, washing and other house work, school runs now that the oldest is in kindy a couple of days a week and having dinner ready every night cos my wife works full time. I'm also our household mechanic. I have been doing this for just over 4 years and now it is kind of easy. I only say easy cos I'm used to it. In reality I'm up around 6 every day and don't finish my dad duties until 7 at night. Then it's cleaning for half an hour or so, a couple of hours of netflix and then bed. Occasionally one of the kids will need attention in the middle of the night cos they kick of their blanket or need to go to the toilet. It's even better (sarcasm) when one of them is sick or better still when I'm sick. Apparently there are no "sick days" when you are a parent. It's crazy how much of your pre parent life you give up to have kids. It will get easier for you, just hang in there. P.s A glass of wine or vodka can definitely help out in the evenings sometimes!
  6. There is a reason for bluing gears and setting clearances with them moving forwards lol.
  7. Probably not the best for the diff and box.
  8. 4th paragraph sums it up. If you don't know how it all works then save some money and get it done right the first time. You may mess up a small thing and have it cost an extra hour or two when the mechanic has to fix it.
  9. There ya go. This bloke has been tuning these cars for a few years now and knows what's needed. Listen to him. Fwiw my stock pump ran out at 12psi and 4500rpm but it was quite gross when I pulled it out.
  10. Just do all of it if you can. The pump is only $100 or so. You will need it I think. The cat and dump from venom did the trick for me to get it working better.
  11. I think you should lose more like 1 or 2 psi through a cooler. If you are losing nearly 25% then you should look at upgrading. I didn't do the flapper in my car and have good boost control. I have 15 psi when available to 17 after 4500rpm, on a 12 psi wg. I have run 13 before. If it is not overboosting then a bigger wg isn't needed. The gas is getting out. Boost won't hurt your rods, tuning will. Pressure over time is something to consider that will save rods from destruction. This is why some tuners will bring the boost on slower. Adding an extra 20 psi of boost to a combustion chamber is nothing compared to combustion pressures in excess of 1000 psi. I would look at replacing your stock cat at the same time as your other mods. This will reduce heat in the head and back pressure, allowing for more timing and more power with less boost eventually. If you're getting it tuned once then you should do what you can beforehand, except injectors obviously. There are a few blokes that know this stuff inside out on this forum and they have tuned these cars a lot more than I have. Perhaps they can lend some more specialized advice to you.
  12. Also get the bigger actuator if you are going to be running more boost than the gate spring is rated for.
  13. Because the new actuator won't open until 7 or 8 psi the car will run through possibley untuned parts of the map. Under part throttle it will probably be lean with the new wg actuator. It will make more boost for less throttle opening as it revs, rather than ditch it early with a smaller wg spring. If you can't tune it yourself then at least get it checked on the dyno at full and also part throttle. The wastegate may come with fitting instructions. Follow them regarding preload. Depending on how the boost was tuned you may end up with an extra 5 psi or so. Fit it and drive off boost to your tuner for checking.
  14. When the turbo died on my skyline there was about a litre of oil in the intercooler. I removed it and just washed it out with petrol. Get someone to load it up on the brake, if the tune allows it and put your hand over the oil filler hole and feel if any gas is escaping. This will give you an idea of how much blow by it has. Don't get run over though.
  15. Daughter started walking everywhere rather than crawling. One day closer to no more nappies! I've had enough...
  16. Firstly don't drive it hard in the slightest if you want it to stay in good condition. Do not bring it on boost, detonation can kill a motor in seconds, in worst case scenarios. Definitely don't floor it. List all non stock parts for a more detailed response. Obviously with a compression change timing will vary greatly. Fuel needs will likely also need addressing. Tell us your general area and a more seasoned member will direct you to a decent tuner.
  17. Smells like vodka you mean lol. Can confirm it spools much better.
  18. Neh I was just whinging. I've had time to calm my jocks. I'll take them back to where I got them and use the cash refund to get 32 GB of slower stuff. I've seen the 16 maxed out once or twice so 32 will be ample. I need to return them, I was just procrastinating. The kids love the sub 5 sec 0 to 100 times so I'll take advantage of the traffic lights on the way there lol.
  19. I hear ya. Unless you can swing spanners or build a motor yourself then you're generally not getting out of anything car related cheaply. My wife complains when I tell her the cost of maintenance parts like my recent sway bar bushes that were all of $30 lol. I think she'd die if she knew what most people have to pay for parts and labour. Before me she had her dad so she has no idea.
  20. Came here to say this. I mean what other reason could be given for someone who asks to be convinced of doing something?
  21. "Bar having everything done for free or winning the lotto", surely covers that? You don't want to see the receipt I have from a ford dealer that rebuilt the motor in my car shortly before I bought it. It's worth 2/3rds of the cars value.
  22. What pisses me off is that I paid $200 for 16GB of Corsair Vengeance 2300MHz DDR3 ram for my pc last August and now it wont run at full speed without blue screening every 10 minutes It works at 1600MHz but if I wanted that I could have paid half. The other bit that pisses me off is that the closest store to return it to is a 35 minute drive away and if I want to swap it for a different brand then I have to go the store I bought it from which is roughly an hour drive...each way. Oh and I have to take at least 2 of the still safety/baby seated kids with me which can easily add an extra half an hour and usually a lot of screaming and complaining. Ah first world problems, aren't they grand?! Thanks for listening lol.
  23. That's a great result. Bar having everything done for free or winning the lotto, I think this was the best possible option for you, as it panned out.
  24. I was hoping for more blood but comical non the less.
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