I could go an egg and bacon sandwich right now too!
Instead I had a coffee and a banana.
I'm hungry already but I'm saving my food for after I workout this afternoon and then the rest for dinner.
I set my macros and stick to them. With the lower calorie intake my fat is set to 48 grams per day.
If I ate 3 eggs per day I would struggle to meet my other macro requirements with only 20 more grams of fat per day.
Nothing is bad per se, it's just that some things like simple carbs need to be taken with due consideration.
I can feel when my bp is up cos it gives me a headache and I can feel the pressure in my head.
You're right about being skinny and unhealthy too. I don't look "fat" but clearly eating too many farm animals has taken it's toll.
Lol I will be starving already to eat only 1780 a day. At that level I will lose 1kg per week which is ample for me. In just 8 weeks I'll be close to 95 kg which is probably where I'll stay.
I think where I went wrong was buying a side of beef back in January and finishing it recently. Also I bought chickens so I was eating a lot of eggs.
You are ight about diet fixing the problem though. Medication just hides the symptoms of eating sh*tty.
Fuel is easy as the wb will tell you what's up.
Knock ears or knock sensors will tell you where your timing can go but not necessarily where the best power is. A dyno will perfect this.
Getting the tune right for our cars pcm is more maths and understanding rather than knowing what a motor needs imho.
Disclaimer: I could be completely wrong and not know my head from my arse...
So apparently being able to beat the adminihampster aka @k31th in a food off won't work for me.
Blood results now say that I'm actually unwell despite looking fairly good!
I have 3 months, according to my gp, to lower my cholesterol (which is 4x normal) and blood pressure (which was 170/118 then 160/93 resting a few minutes later) or then it's hardcore medication time.
That would explain those heart murmurs when I train high reps.
Brb restructuring macros and cutting kcals for 3 months... 2810 down to 1780 to lose a kg per week. Yikes!
I'd still beat ya K31th but I might die early if I tried.
WMMFG? At least I caught it now and can fix it relatively quickly!
Hopefully it all comes good when I drop 10kgs.
I used this in the trans and it was happy.
Fortunately as it was such a "low" power car, being n/a, it was super easy to log it on the brake with winlog.
I think it took only 3 laps around the block at various loads to fix it up.
It ended up with a ported and modded head, zorst and comp was 220psi.
It made stuff all gains running e85 over 98 according to my butt even with modified timing and fuel to suit.
I guess the compression wasn't there for e85.
Tl;dr another guy measures his engine gains with his butt hole. It pulled a whopping 6 secs to 100 mostly done in 1st! Btr ftw!
With my pfc tuning I found I had to remove about 4 degrees up top changing from 98 to 95 on a tuned jap car.
I had to pull around 8 degrees running 91 to prevent knock. It was slow and it sucked and would recommend 1/16.
The same timing was used in all tests.
95 can go in my wife's 2012 lancer and I'll continue with 98 or better in my ford.
You have a valid point however MattyP, a car will only run as good as the timing allows.
If it won't knock on 95 then a slower burning fuel like 98 won't be better and could cause more heat in some cases as the longer burn will continue to propagate further past tdc.
Jeez I just reread what I wrote before.
Of course the car is already tuned...
We all have our hurdur moments I spose. Insert lame excuse here [ ]. @Ralph Wiggum Shouldn't you have told me I was being a dumbass?
In any case just read the tune with a hp tuner interface and save it as a known good tune.
Then mess around with tuning it yourself after you have an idea of what to do.
You will get answers on the hp tuners forum if you aren't sure what stuff means.
Or just be happy with the car as it is and save the $1000 for beer!!!
I bought hp tuners and tuned my car with no prior knowledge of hp tuners.
I have tuned several other types of ecu over many years so for me at least it was just a matter of wrapping my head around how the ford pcm works.
If I was in your situation I would buy hp tuners, scale the injectors so it's drive-able then take it to a professional (without boosting it) and get it tuned.
This way you get your car tuned back to it's original power level but you'll have the ability to start making small changes knowing that you can always fall back to your safe tune.
It's pretty easy to break a motor when the power is getting up there though it's a bit harder to break with e85.
Maybe. There is a difference between apathetic parenting and actively teaching your kids to be evil. I think the really bad kids mostly have parents who teach them to be scumbags rather than them learn it naturally. Clearly there are exceptions to this idea.
I don't think society currently has the capacity both in knowledge and technology to make a fair decision on who should receive such a license.
What's that movie where people get arrested based on crimes they may commit in the future?
Yeah I figured I'd set the page up with the parameters in, as it is a pita to work out how to setup without being familiar with some of the variables and wheel sizes etc.
I dunno guys. Even when I was a kid I knew the difference between right and wrong and acted accordingly.
I sure as hell wouldn't crap on someone's rug and the fish thing...that's some mentally ill sh*t right there.
They were all caught the same evening and apparently the police are charging them with a range of offences and child welfare is getting involved with the families for counselling.