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Everything posted by Puffwagon

  1. Hello mate and welcome. Issue 1 imho is probably in the tune. When the intake air gets too hot the tune can be setup to command a lower boost level and also pull timing and add fuel. Issue 2 sounds tune related too but could be other factors involved ie: fuel quality, oil from blow by etc. Sounds like you know well enough not to let it knock until you get it sorted. Issue 3 has been covered by skidxr6t. I'd also recommend cleaning any oil that will be in the pipe. Symptoms of coil pack failure is the same as having a plug gap too large eg: missing when the boost is wound up or the tune is richened up. I don't think this is a problem for you. Here is the thread about adding pictures. I've only owned my car for just over 18 months but I can tell you that you are in the right place to find information if you don't mind spending the time searching.
  2. I've run north of 30 psi on just clamps and beads. There is obviously an issue with assembly or components.
  3. Maybe I'm repeating the obvious here but it should be aligned loosely before tightening or it will be more likely to pop off. Clean and dry fittings (not like my oily picture) with quality clamps over rolled or welded beads should ensure they remain attached.
  4. I hear ya. I need to replace some bushes in the back of my car and one part of me says just buy a twin bush diff hat and the other part says just buy bushes and make a tool. Maybe just make your own piping setup if you can?
  5. Oh man that has got to be on my top five things in the world that pisses me of the most. It seems like a trivial thing cos pipes but it's worth doing properly.
  6. Wpmo is my sore back. I lifted some weights back on Wednesday and although there was no sharp pain there was a dull ache afterwards that is still persisting. I was massaging it (my back that is) and noticed that there is quite a large numb spot in the muscle on the left side. Missing a few of training days or even a week won't matter till I get a scan but I'll be spewing if it is a lumbar disc issue.
  7. This test is what you are looking for. https://www.google.com.au/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1CHFX_enAU666AU666&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=leak down test How was the 120 number obtained? Was it with or without oil? More info is needed here. https://www.google.com.au/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1CHFX_enAU666AU666&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#safe=off&q=compression+test There is a multitude of issues that can cause your symptoms either by themselves or in combination with each other. Where are you from? Someone will point you to a reputable workshop.
  8. Sweet. Another perfectly valid reason to break out the beers.
  9. All good mate. I just thought I'd share my experience with a supposed top level workshop giving piss poor service. You should really get that looked at.
  10. It sucks. I was mad. $1300 to fix it mad. The next time I trusted someone was a popular dude from this site. He was always polite, genuine and I'm pretty sure he posted my bits before the money cleared. It's not all bad but fook me if I'd leave my car with some one else again.
  11. This is one reason I never leave my car with a "mechanic". This was the only time in 20 years or more I left my car with someone else to fix it. I had a prominent local gawler business look at my car for a trans fluid and pan change, and I told them not to boost it due to a broken tb rubber intake connector. On my way back to pick it up I caught them on video smashing 3rd to 150 or so in a 100 zone. When I told the "boss" I was cursed out, ganged up on by various karnts and told to "I <3 Bananas off'. 6 weeks later my turbo bearings failed. Never again.
  12. Sorry to sound like a *beep* but it is a simple process. Don't pay for it and don't lose your data.
  13. I have used Recuva. If you're just time limited then a reasonable price is what your time is worth imho.
  14. I've had a couple. You know when I stop posting is when I'm truly pissed.
  15. You're. Sorry, the "kids" (aka millennial generation) made me do it. When tv turns to crap I make my boys fang their moto in the back yard.
  16. What are ads? It's only Netflix and ABC kids in this house. You know you've been watching too much ABC kids when you think that doing an acoustic guitar cover of Giggle Galaxy or Peter Rabbit is a good idea.
  17. Morning. It's only just after 9 here and I've already read a comment about a dude using half a brick to wipe his butt. It's going to be a long day.
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