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Everything posted by Puffwagon

  1. That wasn't me bud. You will find that it was me who left you a loverly joke about that "bangin" car about 10 minutes ago lol. It's only a joke though Thoughts: I think you're alright though mate.
  2. If the filter was flipped then I would suggest not driving it or starting it until a new filter is fitted. A flipped filter will just dump its guts into your injectors.
  3. I started fitting ball joints and tie rod ends yesterday. Being a bit of a tight arse I just welded up some pipe and thick washers, used some other pipe as a drift then started pressing with a g clamp and hammering to get them in and out. Top came out and went in no worries. The bottom ball joint came out easily enough but despite lining it up into a nice clean lower control arm the clamp sh*t itself. I spose I could have messed around and made my own but I said "fark it" and ordered one of these. Looks like I'll be driving a crappy Honda van with enough blowby to spool a turbo for the next week.
  4. Have you tried turning it off and on again?
  5. Sounds like you been puffin more than that bro.
  6. I tell her that but it doesn't faze her. Plus she reckons that she can't wait 6 weeks
  7. I wish lol. Something something doesn't fit something something sore jaw.
  8. Eh I don't really care too much about it. I just wanted to take a picture of it and show someone. I'll be sure to sh*t stir the doctor about it next week when I see him again. It'll go like this; Me: "Hey I worked out what was wrong with my vein last week". Him: "Yerp". Me: "Yeah you missed the vein or stuck the needle straight through it", *shows picture* Hey ya gotta make the most of it while ya can. I've only got three weeks left before my drought.
  9. Went to the doctor yesterday to get some blood drawn. He puts the needle in and nothing comes out. He then says, "What's wrong with your vein" and makes me wiggle my fingers until it works. Basically the needle rubbed a hole in the side of my vein. Next time hit the vein bro instead of giving me a giant hematoma! It's 8cm from the puncture mark to the end of it and 6cm wide.
  10. Look for Rose Rage Turbos for rebuild stuff. http://www.roseng.com.au/turbo_customers_turbo_comments.html
  11. Agreed. http://superpro.com.au/find/superpro-suspension-parts-and-poly-bushings-for-ford-australia-falcon-ba-bf-sedan-2002-2007-/cid-999500234 Have a look at the boner looking parts on the front of the rear end assembly op. You can see how the rear end can "steer" itself if the blade control arm bushes are stuffed. Try towing a heavy trailer and you will see how bad it can get.
  12. Sounds like a fuel pump issue. It's 12 years old now so is probably on the way out.
  13. Did someone say nipple? Brb making a cup of tea.
  14. Found out the baby girl is coming out at 9am on 11/11/16. 2 boys 2 girls Wmmfgt, no more babies (after this one), no more pregnant wife, only 3 years left of nappies and can actually have lunch with the wife as a couple with no kids when the inlaws come to stay. Also changed my tune for an extra little boost in the mid so hopefully a better time next drag day.
  15. And there I was just not posting cos I felt rooted. Poor kuntz, hope yas all feel better soon. Mebbe a beer or codeine or ten would help yas out.
  16. Wpmo it's ten to three and apparently I'm sniffing too loud. Cos I chose to wake up now and I just sniff for fun.
  17. Wpmo, it's farken ten to two in the morning, I can't get back to sleep, my wisdom tooth is playing up and I'm "too hot" to cuddle. I'm too old to start my days this early.
  18. Make the most then buddy. My mum never even meet my kids even though I offered to fly her here. Can ya stick a tack on the side of my gudgeon pin to pull it straight then grind it off to make it good again?
  19. Instructions were unclear, changed a nappy. Hope your dad's ok.
  20. Lol I'm just having a laugh. I'm sure he knows his sh*t. But seriously who doesn't like a 1100hp r34 with a vr38 transplant?
  21. Claims to be an "engineer" then brings nothing of any value to the thread. Seems legit. 0.71428571428 dude.
  22. https://www.google.com.au/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1CHFX_enAU666AU666&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#safe=off&q=gups+r34 Refer above for posterity.
  23. Shot yourself in the foot there didn't you bud. Get off the beers or crank before you continue posting. You and your mate.
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