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Everything posted by Puffwagon

  1. Yeah it's pretty meh. I'll keep it. It's just an internet comment. Off topic: I went shopping yesterday at bunnings. I had to ask a 60ish y/o dude and his wife to move. I said "Excuse me". He said "Sorry, it's too big", indicating his trolley. I said "That's what she said", as I walked past. I maintained eye contact for as long as possible whilst I walked past and it didn't click. My wife turned red. She knew
  2. It's an episode of whatever you happen to be watching. m'episode.
  3. Stopped my mepisode to get a drink at 18:18 with 34:34 remaining. Freaky man.
  4. I'm gunna watch me a mepisode on Netflix now.
  5. I just realized that the blue line and the red line mean the same thing. Bbqsauce mind blown...
  6. Anyway my diff bushes turned up today. The car is still on the axle stand from the failed ball joint install and I'm waiting for the tool to arrive. The wife ain't even mad if I have to buy a diff bush tool! See how I go.
  7. So you live in under priced inner suburbia next to coles?
  8. Cheers k31th. I thought as much.
  9. Evening gents and gentettes. Is this just me? I'm pretty sure I'm the blue line until 30 then the red line after.
  10. I only use the green bag for short trips in the car. In it will be a couple of various nappies and a pack of wipes. If we go out for any length of time (which we rarely do) I'm pretty sure we have a proper nappy bag around somewhere. You guys know all the crap you gotta carry with ya apart from nappies and wipes. A green bag doesn't really cut it. Maybe two would though
  11. I could understand it if you were drunk because we all have done dumb sh*t while we are shickered. You did this while sober? Remind me to never to invite you to my house or introduce you to my wife and kids.
  12. Apology accepted. What is your reason for going overboard?
  13. Here are my search parameters. This is the biggest picture I could find. It's about 9.596108490566038 times bigger than the one I posted earlier.
  14. I'll see if I can find one after mate unless Keith has one available.
  15. Search google? Maybe a cached image of the forum?
  16. Anyway all I did was give the admins a heads up about the posting in case they had to fix it on a case by case basis. There were dozens of incidents including liking, commenting, thread starting profile editing etc, which if fixed individually would take up valuable admin time and resources. It's not my call or advice as to how they handle the situation.
  17. Well after last night's episode some folks might be wondering or suspicious about what I post/gets posted with my account. I thought some clarification was in order. FYI it wasn't funny from my end as my whole profile was messed with including pm's and I ended up having to reset my password this morning as it was compromised.
  18. That wasn't me bud. You will find that it was me who left you a loverly joke about that "bangin" car about 10 minutes ago lol. It's only a joke though Thoughts: I think you're alright though mate.
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