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Everything posted by Puffwagon

  1. I'm going to try this as my bumper needs more support.
  2. Jesus christ, fark, sh*t, sonofabitch, farkoff. Sounds like me when I shoo flys away.
  3. Hey what's up pb luke. I'd suggest you Google camshaft fitment and do some reading about new cam installation. Check more than one site to gather this info. Although the info you find may not be xr6 specific there are some protocols that should be adhered to when fitting new cams. With the right base knowledge you should be able to combine that with the cam manufacturers recommendations (machining, run in procedure including break in springs if needed, spring and retainer assembly, lifter recommendations etc etc) and have a hassle free install and run in.
  4. Hey while you're in the corner can you check for cameras? I heard k31th likes to take "pics".
  5. Haha he put something hard on her but I doubt it's a word! Good morning all.
  6. And back to bed. Wth? Anyone got a sleeping pattern I can borrow?
  7. Vacuuming my matchbox cars aside, here is some relevant information. In response to the quote I'd like to point out that this is largely dependant upon ring gap and cylinder pressure. As a general statement, I agree entirely. In a street car that spends a long time at normal operating temp and stoich mixtures, we will see that raw fuel and water has a chance to evaporate from the oil. Conversely when we have larger ring gaps (in a piston engine), an afr that is nearly a quarter fuel and is only run for a couple of minutes at a time, there is no possibility that fuel or water can disappate sufficiently to allow the oil to provide sufficient protection in long term use cases. When we start to veer away from oem design, the need for oem servicing changes.
  8. Tonight for the first time in my life I had what I think is an occular migraine. No pain but crazy vision disturbance in my right eye. It went away after about 20 minutes.
  9. I've been awake all night. The first half was with the baby and then I stayed up to feed and entertain the other kids when they woke up this morning. I did a bunch of housework as well so the wife could have a sleep in and have an easy day today. I'm stuffed so I'll see you all in 4 to 8 hours.
  10. Yes indeed. We bought it new. One phone call and a new one will be delivered and the old one taken away. I should ask the wife to call and organize it.
  11. Haha pretty much. Ya get that when you watch netflix for 9 hours straight.
  12. Good morning folks. Nb: I'm not running anywhere unlike my emoji. I'm just sitting on the couch watching the tele and listening to the birds chirping and my cats brawling.
  13. Are you sure that bottom picture isn't a.... Mitsubishi Lancer?!
  14. Note to self, don't buy a Sony bravia again. Every morning at 2am for the last 3 nights the wireless component has been switching itself off.
  15. Haha I bet you did. You can tell the truth though mate, they're all for you aren't they?!
  16. I guess it wouldn't hurt to have a look at the dipstick for water and the coolant for oil for a while to make sure that the head hasn't warped.
  17. Ok I ordered them today so they should arrive next Monday to Wednesday.
  18. Last I checked if you own a dyno shop or the like then you can license the software. You will have to take it to a tuner for a custom tune mate. Imo sell it on and buy hptuners or similar if you want to tune it yourself. @rollex is designing some custom software currently that just needs a interface cable. His software is free at this stage.
  19. It's not for sale to the general public.
  20. There probably is. I reckon I'll keep them for a while yet and put up with it for another couple of decades. They might be little puffwagons but after all they came out of me so what do you expect?!
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