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Everything posted by Puffwagon

  1. Does it? What does "puffy" mean lol?
  2. Haha not really. I've just changed my style, that's all.
  3. The word Puffwagon is clearly obvious in the context of this forum. We all have a car of some type that has a turbo puffing into it. Ergo, Puffwagon. There is however historical significance with the phrase in question. The word puffwagon actually has preceded the forum context I've provided and can be explained in the future if and when I decide. It's totally not exciting though and yeah....not exciting at all.
  4. Are you sure you're not the drummer?
  5. Like everything in life that has structure, there is a foundation. Without basic priciples and a solid foundation, nearly everything fails. Singing has a foundation and principles that apply across all genres. I don't care much for opera myself. I prefer 90's grunge and rock and of course the classics from the 50's onwards.
  6. Groove bro, groove. It's tongue and groove. Ps there's at least 2 nuts in a lesbian's bed cos neither of them have a dude so they must be nuts lol.
  7. Hey I've got an idea K31th. Fix your car! Cris, you can tell them how much I suck when we get into drunken singing in a few months if you end up staying at my place. In other news my 2 year old daughter called my wife a cow when she was breastfeeding the baby. She poked her in the boob and said "mumma a cow, moo". @ROB83R I've been watching Daniel Tompkins and Ashe O'hara for inspiration lately. I've been checking out this dude for tips as well as Ken Tamplin. The opera stuff has helped more than anything.
  8. I can tell when I can sing better just as you can tell when you can lift more weight. I'm not bragging about it, I'm just stoked that I made a breakthrough.
  9. Haha no. The amount of farks she gives about my music or cars can be counted on one hand. I have gained nearly an octave worth of chest voice. I can critique my own progress. It's super early days for the new found knowledge and ability and the muscles are underdeveloped still as I don't practice consistently any more. That means I can do it for a short time after a long warm up and probably only every second or third day at the moment. It still feels like an xmas present though. It has given me renewed faith (in my ability) despite not having picked up a guitar at all or sang much for nearly 4 years.
  10. I read some sh*t online and watched a couple of youtube clips. Over 20 years of practice previous.
  11. Farken oath karntz Off topic I learnt to sing a little better. After so many years I finally suck less lol. Happy!!!
  12. I've got a dad joke. The slack carnt hasn't even bothered to meet either of my daughters. Har har har spit
  13. I bought a wiggles car a few years ago for my kids and the first mod was a 12 volt battery. The boys have moved to a real motorbike but my daughter now has her 6 volt electric motorbike. No doubt she will inherit the 12 volt battery once she is a bit bigger.
  14. Haha I haven't watched this yet but I thought it was coincidental that it appeared today.
  15. Ok I'm definitely leaving my boys with you for a week. Every time they get asked to clean their room they either have to go to the toilet, they are too hot, their legs are too sore, they're too little, they don't know what to do or they just don't want to.
  16. Ha you don't have to tell me bro. The missus wants to let them believe in Santa. We agreed to test the older boy before Christmas to see if his logic could overcome the "lies". I asked deliberate questions as to how a dude could visit the whole world in one night or how big his sack would have to be or how he could climb down the chimney. Apparently magic is the answer. I'll ask him next year and see if he can work it out then. Actually I'll ask him when easter rolls around and we'll see if chocolate really comes out of a rabbit's arse.
  17. Get this up ya pipes. Plenty more info online along these lines. This should allow for a more educated decision making process when the time comes to purchase exhaust products.
  18. They will do chores whether or not they get paid lol. My job is to raise capable people and part of that is cleaning up after yourself. I reckon I'll give them a base amount as kids do need to learn to manage money and also have independence, eg buy their own lollies etc. If they want extra they can do extra and earn it.
  19. They also bring you stuff from the fridge.
  20. Haha I just taught my 3 and 4 year old boys how to give each other wedgies. Funniest sh*t ever. Edit: I told them to yell "Yaaaaahhh" when they do it.
  21. I could go further and I will. Ya flamin puffwagon What you doin anyway k31th? Fixed ya car yet?
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