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Everything posted by Puffwagon

  1. It does look like it's mostly gone from stores and the few I've found are still around $750. There is a new version called "zowie" and it's $750. Screw that. Farken graphics cards and monitors man, they cost so damn much.
  2. Ye'll be right mate. Don't take things personally and don't over think things. Ignore the farkers. Happy Monday and a bottle of rum!
  3. ________________________________1¶¶¶¶1_______________________________¶¶___1¶¶¶$1_____________________________¶¶__1$$$$$$¶¶¶1____________________________¶¶_1¶¶¶¶¶¶¶$11¶¶¶¶___________________________¶¶_1¶$11111$¶¶11¶$1¶__________________________$¶1_$1_111111$¶11¶¶_¶$__________________________$¶11$$_1$111$$$1$¶¶__¶___________________________¶¶11¶$1111$$$11$¶$1_¶$____$¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶$___________$¶¶11$$11$$$11$¶$$1__¶__$¶$11_____11¶¶¶¶__________1¶¶¶1$$$$111¶¶$$111__¶______11111111__1¶¶___________¶¶¶111111¶¶¶¶¶1111_¶___11111_1111111__¶¶____________1¶¶¶¶¶¶1__$¶_111$¶__$11111111111111__¶¶_____________________¶1_111¶1_1$11111111111111$__¶$___________________¶¶_111$¶_11111111111111111$_1¶¶$_______________$¶¶__111¶¶11111111111111111111__$¶¶¶$__________$¶¶1__1111¶1_111111111111111111111___1$¶¶1____1¶¶¶$__1111_¶¶_1111111_11111111111111111__1¶$__¶¶¶$__1111111¶$_1111111111_1__1111111111111__¶1¶¶¶__1$11111_¶¶__1111111111111$$$$111111111111¶¶$__1111_1111¶¶__1¶¶¶¶¶$$$$$$$$$111111111111__¶¶__1111_111_¶¶1__¶¶11$¶$__1111111111111111111_$¶_11111111_$¶¶_$1_____¶¶$_11111111111111111_11$11111_11_$¶¶11________$¶¶$1_111111111111111111111_111_1¶¶$__________1¶¶¶$11_111111111111111___111_1¶¶¶____________1¶¶¶¶$11_11111111111111$$11$¶¶$_______________1¶¶¶¶¶¶$111_11111$$$$1_1¶¶¶_________________1$¶¶¶¶¶¶¶$111_111_1¶¶¶1_____________________1$¶¶¶¶¶¶¶$1111¶¶$___________________________1$¶¶¶
  4. Try using one of those grippy foam lattice things for opening lids. I have a couple in my draw and they work wonders for opening or loosening stuff when you're lacking clamping grip or friction.
  5. I have a BenQ XL2730Z (2560x1440@144Hz) and I'm happy with it. I'll upgrade when the same is available in 4k. I bought it when it was new so paid about $850 for it. You could probably get a new one around the 500 to 600 dollar mark now.
  6. Lol I just checked what happens when you pull a coil out and you're right, it went leaner. Pulling the injector made it go 2.8 leaner and pulling the coil made it go about 0.7 leaner. There would have been some slight interference from the narrowband sensor in both cases (I pulled and checked as quick as I could several times) and the car was cold on both occasions. Obviously I could tune it to have no o2 interference but that's not the issue we are looking to solve. Food for thought.
  7. How lean? I know there was a lot of talk about coils but lean at idle points to an injector not injectoring. To confirm what I already knew I literally just went outside, started my car up and watched the afr go from 14.0:1 up to 16.8:1 when I pulled an injector plug. If the fuel kept going and the spark didn't then there would be excess fuel in the mixture and it would go rich. I cbf pulling my car apart to confirm but some things are just common sense. Things I can think of doing off the top of my head right now (I've just had 3 beers so forgive me if I forget something or many things) are; Swap injectors around to determine if it is a faulty injector, Last I checked injectors have a constant 12V feed (give or take) and pulse the ground so check the the faulty cylinder has power when it's malfunctioning (multimeter), Check that the ground is pulsing with the injector still plugged in (test/noid light or similar), Check the pins in the plug aren't too wide, they can become bent and not provide a sound connection, Check that the pins haven't been pulled out of the plug, Those last two suggestions are tantamount to checking the wiring so check the wires for splits, cracks and breaks and also check the plugs in the loom for proper mating, corrosion and of course pin connection. The only strange thing is that the problem disappeared briefly when you replaced the plugs. Anyway as we all know there is only so much we can help over the internet and we are relying on your diagnosis and interpretation of the issue which may not be correct as well, no offense. Good luck mate, hope this helps and if it is indeed a fuel issue, which it points to, then you have some ideas to keep you going.
  8. About as solid as your bench press aye k31th?
  9. Lol who built it, the tooth fairy? Did it come pre fried? When smoke comes off the board and it loses partial or all functionality, that is the epitome of fried.
  10. Nor should you. You shouldn't give your friend a fried motherboard either. If you stuffed it up then you should pay for it.
  11. Hey man I have a car that needs to be made great again and so do you. Let's make our cars great again.
  12. You have great friends. The greatest friends. No one has greater friends than you. Make k31ths f6 great again.
  13. It better be. Ain't nobody got time to waste their cars.
  14. That's ok mate. If you can't keep it but want to keep it then I have room for about another hundred cars in my yard. I'm only a day's tow away.
  15. Very shiny. Me likey. Hey k31th, when you gonna fix your other car?
  16. That's the obvious answer hey. It's either misaligned or broken. Time to get under/in the car and check.
  17. I checked to see if I could get a ticket about 4 months ago and it was "sold out" so I didn't bother. I haven't taken notice of this event before rw17 so it will be interesting to see if it does have full attendance.
  18. I've done the same thing with pinching wires though I didn't have smoke, I had only cut them! At least mobos are cheap so it won't be a big deal if you choose to replace it. Haha you are probably better off not sniffing smoke my friend
  19. I'm not usually a fan of brit or one liner comedy but I was laughing my ass off quite a few times.
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