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Everything posted by Puffwagon

  1. Haha ya puffwagon. You'd love some naughty v night pics They'd go nicely with your illicit gym pics
  2. Hehheh I try to get them over the back of the couch sometimes. It never works
  3. Man I'm pretty sure he got more than a wristy. He probably got two.....
  4. Meanwhile I bought my missus a box of expensive ice cream with a bottle of sarsaparilla fizzy and she was happy.
  5. Shiny and black and can pull a decent load, my favorite, no ohmo.
  6. Hey mate the pump prime time can be adjusted in the pcm. Mention this to your tuner as it may help with fuel pressure at startup.
  7. Fark I'm huffing and puffing. Fark that sausage.
  8. Notice the lower torque figure on it? That engine is well over square and is designed to rev. If it was a race with a 3000 rpm limit then you'd come out in front. You're gonna have fun either way!
  9. Morning me will hate tonight me.
  10. Clearly Edit: I hope you do beat him cos that would be a fine feather in the cap.
  11. Are you sure man? They come with 368kw stock and pack 325 rears. They weigh 1381kg and top 330kph. You have marginally more power and 500kg extra to move. Seems like he'll leave you in the dust from the line and you'd never catch him no matter how long the distance.
  12. One 600g and one 400g marinated pork steak. Should do the trick for tonight's dinner.
  13. Haha living that bachelor life hey k31th?
  14. Muahahaha I tell my missus all the time about what I plan to spend on my car and she doesn't like it all.
  15. True that aye. I paid $1150 for my card new and when they stopped selling in stores they were going for $650. I have an aftermarket gtx980Ti that oc's like a beast, scores better than a 1080 and within 5 to 10 percent when a 1080 is oc'd. I'll upgrade when it dies lol.
  16. Good luck! When I pulled my coil out last night it was jumping a large gap and was firing the plug when it was just sitting in there loosely.
  17. It does look like it's mostly gone from stores and the few I've found are still around $750. There is a new version called "zowie" and it's $750. Screw that. Farken graphics cards and monitors man, they cost so damn much.
  18. Ye'll be right mate. Don't take things personally and don't over think things. Ignore the farkers. Happy Monday and a bottle of rum!
  19. ________________________________1¶¶¶¶1_______________________________¶¶___1¶¶¶$1_____________________________¶¶__1$$$$$$¶¶¶1____________________________¶¶_1¶¶¶¶¶¶¶$11¶¶¶¶___________________________¶¶_1¶$11111$¶¶11¶$1¶__________________________$¶1_$1_111111$¶11¶¶_¶$__________________________$¶11$$_1$111$$$1$¶¶__¶___________________________¶¶11¶$1111$$$11$¶$1_¶$____$¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶$___________$¶¶11$$11$$$11$¶$$1__¶__$¶$11_____11¶¶¶¶__________1¶¶¶1$$$$111¶¶$$111__¶______11111111__1¶¶___________¶¶¶111111¶¶¶¶¶1111_¶___11111_1111111__¶¶____________1¶¶¶¶¶¶1__$¶_111$¶__$11111111111111__¶¶_____________________¶1_111¶1_1$11111111111111$__¶$___________________¶¶_111$¶_11111111111111111$_1¶¶$_______________$¶¶__111¶¶11111111111111111111__$¶¶¶$__________$¶¶1__1111¶1_111111111111111111111___1$¶¶1____1¶¶¶$__1111_¶¶_1111111_11111111111111111__1¶$__¶¶¶$__1111111¶$_1111111111_1__1111111111111__¶1¶¶¶__1$11111_¶¶__1111111111111$$$$111111111111¶¶$__1111_1111¶¶__1¶¶¶¶¶$$$$$$$$$111111111111__¶¶__1111_111_¶¶1__¶¶11$¶$__1111111111111111111_$¶_11111111_$¶¶_$1_____¶¶$_11111111111111111_11$11111_11_$¶¶11________$¶¶$1_111111111111111111111_111_1¶¶$__________1¶¶¶$11_111111111111111___111_1¶¶¶____________1¶¶¶¶$11_11111111111111$$11$¶¶$_______________1¶¶¶¶¶¶$111_11111$$$$1_1¶¶¶_________________1$¶¶¶¶¶¶¶$111_111_1¶¶¶1_____________________1$¶¶¶¶¶¶¶$1111¶¶$___________________________1$¶¶¶
  20. Try using one of those grippy foam lattice things for opening lids. I have a couple in my draw and they work wonders for opening or loosening stuff when you're lacking clamping grip or friction.
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