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Everything posted by Puffwagon

  1. Good idea. You can't really do too much with a ba anyway without spending more money than is sensible.
  2. Lol just strap on your f6 stuff. You should get around the block at least.
  3. I think I'd rather have your car atm cos there ain't no cheap way of getting a gearbox or driveline that won't break.
  4. Haha I wish. A few little things will be fixed like the bearings etc but the box is hating life so I won't be able to give it too much sh*t. It'll still be faster than k31ths car though
  5. My car has decided to sh*t itself again. Just today the drivers side rear wheel bearing collapsed.
  6. Yep the middle two just squeal their arses out all day pretty much.
  7. Morning gents. Half ya luck with the sleep in k31th. I went to bed at 9pm and woke up at 3:30am. It was worth it for the 3 hours of quiet time.
  8. Yeah I just ate a bit. It looks worse than it is.
  9. Seems harmless enough... Nek minute... I was going to eat it but it looks kinda scary
  10. Yeah that bastard. I swear it's been talking to my turbo fasteners about how to best fall into a crack that cannot be reached.
  11. Maccas car park kindly removed mine like that last year.
  12. I found the article. It sounds like some hippies smoked too much weed and made up some sh*t to tell the papers. Edit: So as I was reconnecting my ic piping to the tb the bloody screwdriver fell and landed on top of the trans cooler. I managed to grab it but if it was a couple of mm further away I would have been farking around jacking the car up.
  13. Me neither, the joys of being married I spose. Truro is about a 45 minute drive from me and Snowtown is about an hour away. Apparently South Australia is farked.
  14. At least if they're chopped up they're easier to pass around?
  15. Haha not quite. I chopped up some hose for the front 2 bits and it worked fine. I haven't got a gasket kit yet so I just cleaned everything up and ditched the farked rubber gasket. I only have a quarter of a tank of fuel so I couldn't give it any stick but I'll fill it up when I can be stuffed (no premium in my town, it's 20km away) and try it out again then.
  16. Haha you should have seen how much oil was in the plug hole. The missus came outside and wondered what all the smoke was about.
  17. I bought a socket today and swapped the blade control arms. Here is the farked passenger side Here is the passenger side removed Here is the new one installed This is the farked drivers side And here's the farker installed It went smoothly without any major upsets so that was good. The clunk remains however so I'll be looking at it another day when it's a bit cooler. FTFY According to my hp tuners scanner the cam phasers are working. It's just leaking seals mate.
  18. Yerp. I had everything I needed once upon a time.
  19. It could be man. I have some there to put in but my cheap arse socket flared when I went to undo a bolt so I have to buy a quality socket. It's a pita to drive an 80km round trip for a socket but I spose I'll have to do it eventually.
  20. Homemade spacers it is then. There is a kit on ebay that has the rubber gasket I need as well as cam phaser thingos. I reckon I'll get that.
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