Don't get me wrong I like to have a drink, but it isn't the first thing on my mind each day. Haha my home brew collection is getting a bit hectic though, I guess that's from not drinking it?!
I started home brew again to save money. I only spend about $10pw now, but having a couple hundred longnecks on the shelf during the holidays...well you get the picture.
Was gonna go to roll racing tonight, literally can't be farked driving 2 hours each way, so that's $160 in the bin. Oh well, saving money by not going lol.
Check the wheel nuts are tight. If you run it on a dyno, not flat out obviously, you will be able to see what is making the noise. Will only cost a couple hundred tops.
Edit: sounds like it is the plastic inner guard rubbing
I drove the digger for 12 hours, 9 of which involved digging out and removing a massive farken stump in the front yard.
Finally sitting, have a beer in hand and my ballsack hurts from sitting on it all day.
Put Shell 98 in the car and it ran up 298rwkw with nearly 4 degrees less timing than BP 98. To fix the problem I added about 7 litres of methanol and retuned the car to make 312rwkw.
Moral of the story, only use BP 98 in your car
The pile isn't that big, I'll get a pic later. I should have laser leveled the hole I dug for the fill and then the fill would have gone down level. Oh well, it'll be sorted by the weekend.