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Everything posted by Puffwagon

  1. I've just finished legs and am now starting upper body. Last workout for the week then 2 days off.
  2. I'm doing full body 4 days per week, I probably should have done 3 but eh, I'm doing 4 lol Base stuff on recovery ability, smaller muscles recover quicker so chuck in an extra day or two of arms and shoulders for example.
  3. Yerp nothing like doing squats and lunges when you already can't even walk
  4. Nah just starting out again. Should be right in a few weeks.
  5. It's Wednesday, I'll give you that. I have doms and it's sucking harder than a hooker on a Saturday night. Haha I ain't even going to do any car work until it subsides, so next week sometime.
  6. The ones in it now are high km stock turbo pistons, one of them has a cracked ring land. The ones going in it are used cp bullet forged pistons, hence coating them to make them serviceable again. Hp Academy has many courses, engine building being one of them. Look into it if you want to learn more.
  7. No I haven't bought a battery yet, I forgot. I will get one this week though, so it will be sorted when it gets rebuilt. The rings, bearing and rod bolts arrived today, if I wasn't slack I would have the pistons ready but I've been sore from lifting weights and sitting on the toilet is a struggle lol. I'll get the pistons done tomorrow, then get a start on yanking the engine out. For anyone who is interested, the current piston to bore clearance is 5.5 thou, which is fine if you wanna go apesh*t with the boost. Being that I'm gonna coat them and not go apesh*t, any extra clearance will be taken up by the coating. I'm gonna run this in a bit more gentle than usual to let the coating survive the run in process. Usually I would give the rings 20 minutes to half an hour to seal up, which is all it takes, then go full send. The rings will still get the half an hour of run in, but I'll give it a week or two before cranking it up. Anyhow there is that, here's a pic of a clean piston vs a dirty one, they're all clean now so just gotta give them a wash and dry, then get to coating. They have been blasted with glass bead to give them a profile for the coating to stick to.
  8. Mine is nearly perfect too, just the cholesterol ratio isn't ideal. I'm actually getting my 6 monthly test on Friday, haha we'll see how that goes lol. Might have to fast for 24 hours to cheat a bit
  9. Keeps the golden showers nice and golden I reckon tree fiddy is a fair price I mostly have them to keep the side effects of alcohol drinking at bay, not that I drink heaps these days but it does smash your vitamin levels. Fish oil helps with cholesterol ratio which I need to keep an eye on, glucosamine helps with joints when lifting heavy sh*t and generally getting old, I take a few liver protection things which is needed for drinking, other than that it's just magnesium, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D for winter, and a multi to make sure it's all there. I eat veges daily but don't eat much fruit. I actually had a couple off weeks of taking vitamins recently and now I take them, I notice a difference in energy levels as well as overall mood. Also being 115kg and not very fat, I probably need more than average person
  10. Eh at least I can justify the price of my golden shower rates
  11. Same, I eat more when I need it and I eat less when I don't. Haha the Nutri-Grain is just one bowl and the coffee is one giant mug with 2 tablespoons of coffee. Vitamins are just a thing I do, can't hurt right?!
  12. Pretty sure eating food is dieting
  13. Rings and bearings arrived today, better pull my finger out and get the pistons ready. It's gonna rain the rest of the week so we'll see how much I can get done.
  14. Yay Tuesday 200G nutrigrain, 4 coffees and a whole bunch of vitamins should get me going today
  15. Shagging, don't forget shagging
  16. The food, all you gotta do is add broccoli and rice and you're set
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