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About loopism

  • Birthday 16/08/1972

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    Tractor Driver
  1. Happy Birthday loopism!

  2. Happy Birthday loopism!

  3. Happy Birthday loopism!

  4. Happy Birthday loopism!

  5. Well, we (cruze and me) finally finished the enclosure last night. It's not trimmed as yet, so no pics, but when we get it all sorted I'll make sure we get some. At the moment the subs are running off the factory amp, so once I get an idea of what sort of signal is fed from the ICC into the factory amp I'll decide how best to proceed with getting the Reference 300 wired in.
  6. Why not pick up the line level signal off the factory amp input, then run that into the aftermarket amp? Would get a better signal that way, and one less component to add noise. One thing that I have noticed though - from just listening it looks like the factory sub gets a full-range signal, although I can't confirm completely as I don't have a 'scope.
  7. They do. It's up close to the block and is a water-cooled job. I know this because mine broke, mixing coolant in with the trans fluid .....
  8. Songbird? Foobar2000 for tweakers
  9. Dobinson springs .. they are regularly on Ebay too
  10. Same thing happened to me, Ford replaced the trans no questions.
  11. Tuesday would be fine for me ... can skip up there after work
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