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    My ute
  1. I am definitely no expert but I'm pretty handy with a tape measure and I'm not too bad at maths and I got +32
  2. Honestly mate, I have no idea. I'll work it out tomorrow
  3. Not sure if this helps 275/30/20 on lenso d1r 20x10, lowered on pedders sports ryders and a few tools, non rolled, 16 mm clearance Think it more depends on the offset but I don't really know much..
  4. Lunch

    ute register

    2013 xr6 with a hair drier Sorry for the size, quality etc, noobish
  5. I realise I may b a little optimistic hoping for some answers on this subject so long after this thread died but I was curious as to whether the mud flaps were removed b4 taking it back to ford?
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