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  1. Thanks mate I'll check there and see if I can find it
  2. Nope no plug anywhere to be found It is definitely a turbo model as I checked the numbers with ford
  3. Yes mate the hoses are still attached to the solenoid there is just no plug going to it
  4. The wires are not there buddy I've pulled the intercooler pipes of at the cross over and looked everywhere for them
  5. Ok well mine is not connected neither is the boost solenoid And I can not find the plugs for either of them
  6. Thankyou Is that for a gauge Or should it be hooked up to something else
  7. Hi was wondering what this weird looking plug thing is for its in the intercooler pipe the one near the battery I only just bought this 03 xr6t and don't know alot about them yet Thanks heaps for any help
  8. I do apologize if I have posted this in the wrong section
  9. Hey people new to the forum and new to turbos I recently purchased an 03 ba xr6t while having a look under the bonnet trying to get my head around some things I noticed that the boost solenoid has no plug connected to it Can anyone explain why Any help appreciated thanks
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