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  1. Thanks guys for the replies. My thoughts are aiming for low 300+kw's for now, I don't want to start breaking drive train as it is the family bus ( would be stuffed with it off the road for to long). Thanks Grego for the heads up on compression (I'll check on the weekend) and the diff bushes. I had found posts talking about the pro's and cons of removing the turbo oil line filter from the banjo fitting and also the line blockage at the turbo end. My reasoning behind using a kit was it allowed serviceability of the filter and also it would make it easy to remove the section of braided line from the filter to the turbo, allowing it to be cleaned of burnt oil buidup. Most of the posts on mods generating low 300+kw's seam to use Siemens 60lb injectors and X3 flash. Would this be about right for 300+Kw's? Or are there better alternatives? Does anyone know a tuner in Brisbane?
  2. It's time to put a bit of extra muscle into the family bus/06TT, 7seat, all regularly used on the weekend sport runs. I have been reading through the forums have been inspired. I have debunged and plan injectors, flash tune. I'm after some guidance. 1: Turbo oil feed line filter kit. Which kit to use? Speedflow or Earls/ GJ drivelines? Or other? 2: Where to purchase injectors from? eBay? 3: Flash tune, how does this work? I believe it is a reprogram of the CPU, is it plug and play or does it require tuning skills? Is it something I buy and take to a workshop to install or is it something I purchase at the workshop as part of a tune? 4: A recommendation for a reputable and good workshop/tuner on the south side/bayside of BrisVegas if possible. Being a bit of an old fart, I'm a little out of the loop with the new technologies and this is also my first turbo vehicle. Any help is greatly appreciated. I have played with these blocks back in the day, slotted in Cortinas and then in a little front engine dragster. Managed to drag a respectable flat 13sec, carbureted, out of a TC and a 9.8, injected, out of the dragster with the same engine, so I knew they made some grunt. However the numbers I've been reading about in the forums has been leaving me gob smacked.
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