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  1. I've had my BS Series II for three days and my first tank used 13lt/100km 60% city driving and 40% country. Am following the running in recommendations but cant resist the odd squirt. Skull
  2. Thanks for the welcome guys It's a Lightening Strike XR6 Turbo. I actually pick it up tomorrow morning. The only extra is premium sound. I've looked at real mods but unsure about the factory warranty?? Skull Sorry XR06T- its a BA auto (4speed) runout model for $41k Skull
  3. I have just picked up my new car. I was going to buy a Ford Fiesta but my son suggested I get the Falcon because its bigger and the "t" model (XR6T) which he said stands for traction control. He's a caring lad - said it was a safety device and he didn't want me running off the road. Anyway, I followed his advice and got the XR6T. I'm not used to an auto but fortunately he has told me how to drive it (push traction control button/foot on brake/foot on throttle/foot off brake). Don't know how impressed I am - it seems a bit slow off the mark and blows a lot of smoke before it gets going. I actually prefer my old pajero which takes off without that squeeling noise. Lucky it is so slow otherwise I wouldn't let him borrow it. Anyone know how fast the Fiesta is off the mark? Skull
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